This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy Announces Connecticut Opts into FirstNet Network

Modernized System Will Enhance Communications Among First Responders During Critical Situations

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced his decision to accept the State of Connecticut into the federal First Responder Network Authority plan to deliver a wireless broadband network to the state’s public safety community. Known as FirstNet, the state-of-the-art technology will connect first responders to a highly secure, wireless broadband network and enhance communications during emergency and disaster response situations.

In order to inform his decision, Governor Malloy created a working group of subject matter experts and the state went through a competitive RFP process. The Governor took the advisement of the working group and came to the conclusion that opting in would best serve the interests of the people of Connecticut.

“When disaster strikes, communication is critical to the safety of Connecticut residents,” Governor Malloy said. “After careful analysis and consideration of the FirstNet proposal, it became clear that opting in was in the best interests of our state and our first responders. This network will enhance communications for Connecticut’s first responders by providing priority access during disasters or emergencies.”

“Connecticut knows first-hand how important it is that our first responders and emergency management personnel are able to access real-time updates and information,” Lt. Nancy Governor Nancy Wyman said. “This system will add to our communications capabilities and assist those front-line individuals so they can protect the public safety and their own.”

“I would like to thank Governor Malloy for opting into the FirstNet plan and providing Connecticut’s first responder community with this important communication tool,” Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Commissioner Dora Schriro said. “Every minute matters when lives are at stake and this dedicated network will provide reliable communications to our first responders.”

“Through a competitive process that involved broad representation, we believe that FirstNet will provide the critical capabilities that our first responders need today and a sustainable way to bring innovation to these important public servants for years to come,” Connecticut’s Chief Information Officer Mark Raymond said.

“We’re honored to bring FirstNet to Connecticut and help transform public safety communications within the state,” AT&T Connecticut President John Emra said. “I’d like to thank Governor Malloy for his leadership and commitment to public safety. His decision will not only usher in a new era of public safety for his state, but it will also give Connecticut’s first responders immediate access to the critical communications tools they need to keep themselves and those they serve safe.”

FirstNet is a product of the U.S. 9/11 Commission’s recommendation that a dedicated public safety interoperable, nationwide mobile broadband network be created to enable continued communication during a disaster or other large-scale event or emergency. In order to fulfill its mandate, FirstNet put out an RFP for which AT&T was the successful bidder. Under federal law, each state, including Connecticut, had to either opt into the FirstNet/AT&T system or opt out and build its own system.

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy