This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy and Lt. Gov. Wyman Statements on Senate Passage of Senate Republican Tax Plan

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman released the following statements regarding the passage in the U.S. Senate of the Republican tax plan, which provides billions of dollars in tax cuts to the wealthiest in the country at the sacrifice of the middle-class:

Governor Malloy said, “The tax bill passed by Republicans in the Senate is nothing short of an abomination. Make no mistake about it, for the vast majority of families across our nation – and especially for those in Connecticut – this legislation is not a tax cut, but rather a full-out assault on working people. It deals a serious blow to affordable healthcare by repealing key provisions of the Affordable Care Act, which will leave 13 million more Americans uninsured and raise health insurance premiums at the same time. Another gruesome fact about this bill is that it does not pay for itself, falling well short of generating enough economic growth to cover the $1.5 trillion hole it adds to our national deficit. In other words, it will raise taxes on tens of thousands of middle-income families and individuals in our state, raise the number of uninsured, raise health insurance premiums, and raise the national debt by over a trillion dollars. Nearly all policy expert analyses, including from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, make the case clear – this holiday gift to the wealthiest few will be a holiday nightmare for hundreds of millions of Americans whose lives this plan will disrupt.”

Lt. Governor Wyman said, “Among the serious failures of the Republican tax plan is the repeal of the Affordable Care Act healthcare mandate. The CBO, medical provider associations, insurers, and patient advocates have repeatedly come out against the elimination of the mandate, warning that it will cause healthcare costs to spiral up and estimating an additional 13 million more residents will be uninsured over the next decade. Healthcare is a fundamental right. The Republican tax plan threatens years of progress to make it affordable and accessible for all.”
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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy