Press Releases

Gov. Malloy Announces State Begins Providing Reimbursements to Northeastern Connecticut Homeowners for Testing of Crumbling Foundations
Impacted Homeowners Advised to Begin Application Process As Soon as Possible
(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that the state’s testing program for homeowners in northeastern Connecticut impacted or potentially impacted by the ongoing crumbling foundation problem has opened its application process and eligible homeowners can now begin applying to receive reimbursements for the testing of their homes. The state is making $5 million available to provide assistance related the costs of testing foundations for homeowners, which will better provide the state with data related to the scope of the situation while providing homeowners with another level of financial relief.
“The launch of this testing program marks a significant step forward in addressing the needs and concerns of homeowners affected by crumbling foundations,” Governor Malloy said. “From day one, we recognized the need to develop a better understanding of the scope of this issue while working with our partners in the public and private sector to provide property owners with some much-needed stability and support. I look forward to continuing our progress in providing relief for those affected by this natural disaster.”
Homeowners can begin applying for reimbursements now by visiting and submitting application. A phone line has also been established at 860-724-4277 to provide additional assistance.
“As a Tolland resident, I’ve seen firsthand the devastating effects of this disaster on my neighbor’s homes. Providing financial assistance and testing resources to homeowners who are dealing with pyrrhotite damage is an important step for residents, our towns, and the state as a whole,” Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman said. “Our homes are core to family security and the biggest investment many of us make in our lifetime. We will continue to build the partnerships to help find solutions for homeowners with failing foundations.”
Under the program, homeowners are eligible for a 50 percent reimbursement – up to $2,000 – for the testing of two core samples within their homes. Homeowners who have visual testing conducted by a licensed professional engineer are eligible for a 100 percent reimbursement – up to $400. The homes must have been built after 1983 and be located within a 20-mile radius of the J.J. Mottes Concrete Company in Stafford Springs. The program, which is being funded by state bonding, will run until December 31, 2020 or until the funding has been expended, whichever is earlier.
Governor Malloy is coordinating with the Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) to administer program. The organization will provide quarterly reports on testing results to the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection and the Attorney General’s Office.
“CRCOG is looking forward to helping homeowners suffering from crumbling foundations and we believe the website will enable an efficient and effective method for implementing the program,” Lyle Wray, Executive Director of CRCOG, said.
“We believe this is a great step forward and we continue to look forward to working with the Governor’s Office and the Capitol Region Council of Governments to assist impacted homeowners and towns,” John Filchak, Executive Director of Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments, said.
A number of homes in the region have suffered damage due to what appears to be the result of a natural disaster – specifically the reaction of a naturally occurring mineral, pyrrhotite, to oxygen and water. Pyrrhotite is an iron sulfide mineral, and its exposure to oxygen and water leads to a chemical reaction that results in deterioration of home foundations. The presence of pyrrhotite indicates the potential for concrete deterioration, but its existence alone does not necessarily cause it. For homes with existing deterioration, the existence of pyrrhotite can – in some circumstances – be determined by visual inspection alone, chiefly because this kind of deterioration forms a unique cracking pattern.
The eligibility requirements outlined by the Connecticut Department of Housing for the program are as follows:
- The year the home was built must be on or after 1983.
- If the home was built before 1983, but there is an addition that was built after 1983, the addition is eligible for the program. The homeowner must supply proof that the addition was built after 1983 (building permit, CO or other similar documentation).
- The home must be within a 20-mile radius of J.J. Mottes Concrete Company in Stafford Springs.
- Homeowners are eligible for a 50 percent reimbursement, up to $2,000 for pyrrhotite testing of two core samples.
- Homeowners who have a visual inspection conducted are eligible for a 100 percent reimbursement, up to $400.
- Visual Inspections must be performed by a licensed professional engineer.
- Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
- Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy