This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy Announces Families on Care 4 Kids Wait List Can Now Apply for Child Care Support

(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Dannel P. Malloy today announced that effective immediately, the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood (OEC) has reopened the Care 4 Kids program and eligible families on the wait list can now begin to enroll for the state’s primary child care support.

“All of Connecticut’s families – irrespective of family income – deserve access to safe, healthy child care options,” Governor Malloy said. “Care 4 Kids has done a tremendous job in making quality child care more affordable for countless households across Connecticut. I am thrilled that families previously placed on the wait list will once again have access to the services and support they need to foster their children’s development.”

Funded with federal and state dollars and administered by OEC, Care 4 Kids helps low-income, working families afford safe, quality child care. In 2016, new federal requirements increased the costs of the program but did not increase funding necessary for their implementation. To remain fiscally sound, the program was closed to most new families by late 2016. Many other states were forced to make similar cutbacks. Families seeking this support were instead registered for the wait list so they would be able to apply once the program reopened. There are currently 5,769 families on the wait list in Connecticut.

“For thousands of Connecticut’s hard working families, Care 4 Kids is a lifeline,” OEC Commissioner David Wilkinson said. “Care 4 Kids is a two-generation program that enables parents to work while providing piece of mind that their children are safe and in quality care. Our highest priority is to reach and enroll as many working families in need of this support as our budget responsibly allows.”

Families who registered on the wait list will begin to receive requests to apply in phases starting today. Consistent with state rules, enrollment begins with the highest-need families defined by priority groups and those families who have been on the wait list longest.

The federal requirements that elevated state costs also increase stability for families on the program, reducing burden and complexity for working families. The OEC will closely monitor enrollment rates to ensure the program serves the maximum number of families possible while staying within budget.

Additional information on the Care 4 Kids program can be found by visiting or calling 1-888-214-KIDS (5437).

To contact the Office of Early Childhood, visit or call (860) 500-4412.
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy