This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases


Gov. Malloy & Lt. Gov. Wyman Statements on Committee Approval of Constitutional Amendment Protecting Transportation Funds

(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman released the following statement in response to a bipartisan vote today in the General Assembly's Transportation Committee to approve a resolution he introduced that will enact an amendment in our state's constitution protecting transportation funds from being raided and used for other purposes:

Governor Malloy said, "I would like to thank the Transportation Committee for voting this out of the committee on a bipartisan basis, and I especially appreciate Chairman Guerrera's voice and leadership on this issue.  The time to act is now.  This language is strong.  This is the definition of a 'structural' budgetary change, and it will protect transportation dollars.

"It is disappointing to see opposition from members who claim to be in favor of a lockbox, but will not support this resolution.  We cannot have it both ways - we cannot say we must fix our transportation system while also voting against the lockbox.  Anyone in opposition to this measure must be prepared to answer some simple questions: Why shouldn't your constituents have the chance to decide for themselves if this amendment is worthy of our state constitution?  Why should they be denied a chance to change the status quo?

"Let's not play politics with our economic future.  Let's not stand in the way of fixing our deteriorating roads and bridges.  We must make a structural change that will help Connecticut compete for jobs against Massachusetts, New York, and other states in our region."

Lt. Governor Wyman said, "Instituting a stable, consistent transportation funding structure is critical to Connecticut's future.  A transportation lockbox helps us meet our broader goals in economic development, improve commerce, and it will save thousands of driver hours, and it makes our state more attractive to businesses and the workforce.  I applaud the Transportation Committee on their vote."

ICYMI: Fact sheet on Governor Malloy's proposed Special Transportation Fund Lockbox Amendment

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Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy