This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases

Governor Malloy Press Release Masthead
November 11, 2011
(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy today requested a major disaster declaration from President Barack Obama in response to the historic October Nor'easter. If granted, it would bring additional federal financial relief to Connecticut cities and towns impacted by the October storm.
Governor Malloy's request was sent after the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the state Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection (DESPP) confirmed that estimated expenses met FEMA established thresholds in seven of Connecticut's eight counties. The preliminary damage estimated eligible costs at over $27 million.
Although New London County did not meet the FEMA thresholds for a major declaration, municipalities in that county are still eligible for federal financial assistance for up to 72 hours of debris removal and emergency protective measures. The 72-hour period will be decided by each individual city or town applying for assistance in New London County.
"This aid would provide additional help to municipalities, state agencies, and certain eligible non-profit organizations that were severely impacted by the historic October snowstorm," said Governor Malloy. "I am hopeful that President Obama will act quickly on my request."
On October 31st, President Obama approved Governor Malloy's request for an emergency declaration for all eight counties in Connecticut which provided direct federal assistance (commodities, FEMA and Army Corps of Engineers technical assistance). Also, on November 3rd, at Governor Malloy's request, the emergency declaration was amended to provide federal financial assistance for up to 72 hours of debris removal and emergency protective measures for all eight Connecticut counties.
For Immediate Release: November 11, 2011
Contact: Scott DeVico
Connecticut Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection
860-685-8230 (office)
860-209-0334 (cell)
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy