This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases

Governor Malloy Press Release Masthead
October 26, 2011
(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy hailed the passage of bipartisan legislation aimed at reinventing Connecticut by creating new jobs, spurring innovation and strengthening the state's overall competitiveness. The package that was voted on today was the direct result of input from Governor Malloy and Senate President Donald Williams, House Speaker Chris Donovan, Senate Minority Leader John McKinney and House Minority Leader Larry Cafero on behalf of their respective caucuses.
"I've spoken a lot about reinventing Connecticut, and I think Democrats and Republicans working together is one illustration of that reinvention," said Governor Malloy. "How often do you see this happening in Washington? Putting people back to work and making Connecticut more business-friendly aren't goals owned by any one party, and they aren't owned by any one branch of government -no single person has cornered the market on good ideas. I'm proud of what we were able to accomplish today on behalf of the residents and businesses in this state, and I'd like to thank the leaders of all four caucuses for their hard work and dedication throughout this process."
"The jobs package is a great down payment on stimulating the economy and growing jobs in the state," said Commissioner Catherine Smith. "By adopting new measures to spur innovation, increase support for small business, and speed up permitting processes, we are not only helping our companies grow and become more competitive, but also making the state more attractive from an investment standpoint."
"We took giant steps today in the State of Connecticut to cut taxes for small businesses, eliminate burdensome regulations, give employers the loans and incentives they need to expand and hire, and move students from the classroom to the factory floor as quickly as possible," Senate President Donald E. Williams, Jr. said. "This is a solid, bipartisan jobs victory for the people of Connecticut."
"Connecticut families want jobs and a strong economy," said House Speaker Christopher G. Donovan. "We targeted small businesses and the unemployed. Because we worked together, people will go back to work. This bill gives them more than hope. It gives them a program that invests in their future. It fosters an environment that will create jobs, help small businesses grow, spur innovation, educate and train our workforce, and make Connecticut competitive again."
"This bill is a good first step toward putting Connecticut on more sound economic footing and it proves that state government functions best when the majority party works with the minority and focuses on solutions," said Senate Republican Leader John McKinney. "The bipartisan bill achieves three Republican goals: it helps get immediate assistance to small businesses; streamlines the state's permitting process; and helps Connecticut manufacturers keep more of their profits to reinvest in their companies. The bill will not turn our state's economic tide overnight, but it will have a positive impact on job creation and job security in our state."
"This proves that when there is a free and open exchange of ideas across the political aisle we can do good things that are in the best interests of all of Connecticut," said House Minority Leader Larry Cafero. "Our work does not end with this successful effort, it begins. Small businesses, the engine of job creation in Connecticut, will benefit greatly from this legislation."
Highlights include:
Small businesses create the vast majority of new jobs in our economy. That's why we've created a new Small Business Express Package and other initiatives that direct $180 million to support small business growth.
  • New job creation incentives
  • Increasing financial assistance for small businesses
  • Training assistance
Making it easier to do business in Connecticut must be a top priority, as it can directly impact companies' bottom lines.
  • Shorten timeframes for obtaining critical permits
  • Eliminate burdensome regulations
  • Create new e-business portal to make it easier for companies to access programs and services
Innovation is the key to future economic growth. This legislation includes critical new investments to support innovation and entrepreneurship in Connecticut.
  • $25 million for startup company loans, investments and matching grants
  • Increase number of "angel" investors in high-tech and emerging technology startups
A trained and skilled workforce helps businesses realize their full potential-and maximizes their contributions to the state and local economies. The Jobs Bill includes workforce development measures to ensure our pipeline of workers matches business needs.
  • $20 million for manufacturing technology programs in vo-techs and community colleges
  • Short- and long-term workforce strategies to meet private sector demand
For Immediate Release: October 26, 2011
Contact: Juliet Manalan
860-524-7314 (office)
860-770-8298 (cell)
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy