This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases

Governor Malloy Press Release Masthead
October 3, 2011
(HARTFORD, CT) - Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection Commissioner Reuben Bradford and Office of Policy and Management Secretary Ben Barnes today announced that the layoff notices for 56 State Troopers who were laid off beginning on August 24 have been rescinded. Since the state employee unions ratified the second SEBAC agreement, 40 sworn personnel of various ranks have chosen to retire. The 40 sworn personnel who have chosen to retire on either September 1 or October 1 had salaries totaling $2,254,460. The 56 State Troopers who will see their layoff notices rescinded have salaries totaling $1,888,830. The decision to rescind the layoffs of the 56 State Troopers is a revenue neutral decision, and was made at the recommendation of Commissioner Bradford. All 56 State Troopers will be stationed on the road and will be notified today of their return to state service. In order to maintain equal seniority for these State Troopers, they will return to the state payroll in the order they were laid off, with the majority returning on either October 7 or October 21.
"As a former State Trooper myself, it pained me to send layoff notices to the 56 men and women who were a part of our State Police force," said Commissioner Bradford. "But there was a fiscal reality that we were facing, and we couldn't keep people on staff if we didn't have the money to pay them. With the retirements of some of the longest-serving members of the State Police, we were able to rescind the layoffs of these 56 State Troopers. I'm looking forward to having them back on the road."
"Although 40 sworn personnel have chosen to retire, their combined salaries have allowed us to rescind the layoff notices for all 56 State Troopers who were laid off beginning in August," said Secretary Barnes. "When Gov. Malloy made the decision to move forward with the layoffs, he was clear that if fiscal circumstances allowed, he'd like to see them back on the force at some point in the future. I'm pleased to say that we are now able to do that. It should be noted, however, that this does not reverse the process already started by Commissioner Bradford to streamline the department and see more sworn personnel performing hazardous duty functions around the state, and more civilians doing jobs that are currently being done by sworn personnel."
For Immediate Release: October 3, 2011
Contact: Scott DeVico
Connecticut Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection
860-685-8230 (office)
860-209-0334 (cell)
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy