This is the archived website of former Governor Dannel P. Malloy. These pages are being preserved by the State of Connecticut for historical purposes.

Press Releases

Governor Malloy Press Release Masthead
September 26, 2011
Economic Summit Will Highlight Ways to Lead In 21st Century Economy
(HARTFORD, CT) - Nearing the completion of his Jobs Tour, Governor Dannel P. Malloy announced the agenda for the upcoming October 6 Economic Summit, which combines experts and speakers from academia, the private sector and the public sector, to discuss ways in which we can reinvent Connecticut and lead the way in a 21st century economy.
The summit will help shape some legislative proposals for the October 26 Special Session. With an eye toward making the Special Session bipartisan, Governor Malloy is meeting with legislative leaders of both parties today at 4 p.m.
"Connecticut has had a long and storied economic history; at times we've reinvented our state, at times we helped reinvent our nation," said Governor Malloy. "Too often today, businesses think our state's best days are behind it. That couldn't be further from the truth. If anything, the refrain I heard on my Jobs Tour was that businesses want to do business here, workers want to live here and they want to contribute to our economy, so long as we can figure out ways to jumpstart the economy and create new jobs for the 21st century. We have a highly-educated workforce, a prime location, great universities and colleges and a quality of life that's second to none - it's time to reinvent Connecticut and write the next chapter of its history."
The October 6 Economic Summit follows the Governor's three-month Jobs Tour, which included over 70 meetings, tours and events around the state. The summit will feature experts from academia and the private sector, in addition to Governor Malloy. Headlining the summit is economist Mark Zandi from Moody's Analytics and Scott Case from the Startup America Partnership, a coalition of entrepreneurs advocating for and promoting America's entrepreneurs. The list of guest speakers is being finalized and will be released as the date approaches.
Topics discussed will include what we need to do to make it easier to do business with and in the State of Connecticut; how to spur innovation and entrepreneurial drive; support for small businesses; steps to cultivate a 21st century workforce and what we need to do to keep them here; and ways in which we can strengthen, streamline and enhance our existing economic development tools.
"My Jobs Tour was informative and highly productive. We visited businesses, industry and labor groups and other stakeholders - people on the front lines of economic development," said Governor Malloy. "Now we'll listen to national experts and learn first-hand about ways in which we can lead in a 21st century economy. We'll see how their perspectives can build on what we already know and help us as we prepare for the Jobs Special Session. It's time to reinvent Connecticut and move on from decades-long sluggish job growth."
"What we learned from our business customers as part of the Jobs Tour, and what we hear from our panel of state and national experts, will form the basis for new policies and legislative acts that Governor Malloy will propose in the next month's Special Session," said Catherine Smith, Commissioner of the Department of Economic and Community Development. "We want their input and expertise as we craft solutions to the state's jobs crisis."
Those who wish to register for the free event should call 860-657-3331 or visit . This event is open to the press.
The schedule below is tentative and will be finalized as the date approaches.
9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.: Governor Malloy Opens the Forum
9:30 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.: Economic Backdrop: Connecticut in a Global World
9:50 a.m. - 10:35 a.m.: Best Practices in Economic Development Panel
10:35 a.m. - 10:50 a.m.: BREAK

10:50 a.m. - 11:35 a.m.: Role of Academia in Economic Development
11:35 a.m. - 11:55 a.m.: Innovation and Job Growth
11:55 a.m.: Governor Malloy Closes the Forum

12:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Breakout discussions
Box lunches in 6 breakout rooms with facilitators broken out by topic areas:
  • small business growth
  • tax incentives and economic development programs
  • green jobs
  • innovation
  • talent development
  • ease of business in the state
For Immediate Release: September 26, 2011
Contact: Colleen Flanagan
860-524-7308 (office)
860-770-8090 (cell)
Twitter: @GovMalloyOffice
Facebook: Office of Governor Dannel P. Malloy