Press Releases
Hartford - The twelve policy working groups put together by the Malloy transition team met with Governor Dannel P. Malloy, Lieutenant Governor Nancy Wyman and the entire steering committee today to give their final reports, a culmination of the work begun in early December to ensure the policy-making process was reflective of the many voices in the state. The Governor will review the reports and will take them under advisement.
"We have asked these groups to put forward ideas that are going to help position the state to move aggressively towards economic recovery," said Governor Malloy. "The deadlines were tight and the working groups had an enormous task - to find ways to cut spending or work within their existing budgets and still bring high-quality, innovative services and programs to Connecticut residents. It is a new day for the state and for our people. Sacrifices will be made, but strong partnerships will be built."
The group chairs and co-chairs, appointed by Malloy and Wyman, submitted more than 150 policy documents to the Administration for review on December 30, 2010. Today, the groups are expected to submit their final reports which will include priority, short-term and long-term initiatives for the Malloy Administration to consider.
Tasked with finding revenue-neutral proposals in twelve specific areas including: energy, jobs and the economy, healthcare, transportation, and education; the working groups were directed to use the Malloy/Wyman campaign policy platform as a starting point in developing recommendations to move the state forward. The groups tapped experts in the field as well as taking comments and suggestions from advocates and residents who contacted the transition team.
"I spent a lot of time traveling the state last year and I had an opportunity to speak with people who are working hard, but they are watching jobs leave the state and the economy sour. I asked businesspeople what it would take for them to hire workers. I asked the owners of small companies what it would take for them to expand. We are listening to the very people who are doing the hiring, the teaching, the nursing, and the working," said Governor Malloy.
The policy working groups will wrap up now that final reports have been submitted.
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