2017 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient

Matthew Cartter, M.D., M.P.H.

State Epidemiologist
Director of Infectious Diseases
Department of Public Health

2017 Distinguished Managerial Service Award Recipients

Maria Cheney

Director of Residential Programs and Services
Department of Veterans Affairs

Cheryl Malerba

Director of Administration
Department of Transportation

In addition to the three managers selected to receive a Distinguished Managerial Service Award in 2017, the following managers were nominated.  Each nominee has demonstrated an exceptional level of dedication, commitment, managerial skill and achievement; and each is truly deserving of recognition.

It is an honor to be nominated for this award, and I hope you will share in congratulating these very deserving managers.  All are to be commended and thanked for their outstanding managerial service to the state:

2017 Distinguished Managerial Service Award Nominees

Scot Anderson

Tax Division Chief
Department of Revenue Services


Scott Erfe

Correctional Warden
Department of Correction


Jeanette Perez

Human Resource Administrator 1
Department of Revenue Services


Naveen Prathikantem

IT Director – Manager III
Department of Motor Vehicles


Angel Quiros

District Administrator
Department of Correction


Nina Ritson

Communications Specialist
Department of Administrative Services


Carl Shields

Mental Health Services Clinical Manager 2
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services


Kishore Solanki

Assistant Director, OSC Retirement Division
Office of the State Comptroller


Donna Wilkerson-Brillant

Regional Manager
Commission on Human Rights & Opportunities