About the Council
The Management Advisory Council was created by Executive Order #6 in 1983.
The purpose of the Council is to advise the Commissioner of Administrative Services and the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management regarding the needs of State managers, including career development, benefits and training.
The Council was also directed to focus on quality of State government and to provide mechanisms for the exchange of ideas among managers.
Management Advisory Council Objectives
Communicate with all managers.
Bring information to the Commissioner of Administrative Services and the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management to affect change.
Establish our presence as a viable voice for all managers.
Provide managers with an annual conference to recognize recipients
of the Distinguished Managerial Service Awards.
Stay Connected
We have established a moderated listserv so state wide communications can be easily and rapidly accomplished among State managers.
Any manager who would like to receive e-mails from CT MAC should e-mail CTMAC@ct.gov.