2016 Distinguished Managerial Service Award Recipients

Patrick Bowe

Environmental Protection
Division Director
Department of Energy and
Environmental Protection

Rebecca Wettemann, MSN, RN

Director of Nursing 2
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services

Maribeth Wojenski

Transportation Assistant
Planning Director
Department of Transportation

In addition to the three managers selected to receive a Distinguished Managerial Service Award in 2016, the following managers were nominated.  Each nominee has demonstrated an exceptional level of dedication, commitment, managerial skill and achievement; and each is truly deserving of recognition. 

It is an honor to be nominated for this award, and I hope you will share in congratulating these very deserving managers.  All are to be commended and thanked for their outstanding managerial service to the state:

2016 Distinguished Managerial Service Award Nominees

Cindy Carloni

Quality Improvement Manager
Western Connecticut Mental Health Network
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services


Daria Cirish

Director of Insurance and Risk Management
Department of Administrative Services


Michael Elliott

Division Director, Licensing
Department of Consumer Protection


Jim Flynn

Regional Manager
Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities


Kevin Kopetz

Agency Legal Director, Division of Construction Services
Department of Administrative Services


Deborah Lawrence

Director, Western Connecticut Mental Health Network, Danbury
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services


Eric Lindquist

Director of Platform Services/Chief Technology Officer
Department of Administrative Services, Bureau of Enterprise Systems and Technology


John Noonan

Fiscal and Policy Section Director (Retired)
Office of Policy and Management


Todd Prout

Banking Department Manager
Department of Banking


Kishore Solanki

Assistant Division Director, Retirement and Benefit Services
Office of the State Comptroller
Blanche Reeves Tucker
Fiscal Administrative Manager
Office of the Secretary of the State