Frequently Asked Questions

1. I believe a Connecticut judge, workers' compensation commissioner, or family support magistrate has violated the Code of Judicial Conduct or the Workers' Compensation Commissioners' Code of Ethics.
What do I do?
You may file a complaint with the:
Judicial Review Council
505 Hudson Street
Hartford, CT 06126-0099
2. What is the Judicial Review Council?
The council was established by the legislature in 1976 to investigate and act on allegations of misconduct and disability. It is composed of six citizens, three attorneys, and three judges.
3. Must I fill out forms to file a complaint?
Yes. Complaint forms may be obtained from court clerk's offices or the council office.
Please refer to the section of this brochure entitled “Guidelines for Completing this Form.”
4. What is judicial misconduct?
Judicial misconduct is any violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct or the Workers' Compensation Commissioners' Code of Ethics which may include, but is not limited to, the following:
** Failure to perform duties impartially and diligently
** Conflict of interest
** Failure to file financial reports
** Conduct prejudicial to the impartial and effective administration of justice which brings the office in disrepute
5. Is my complaint confidential?
Yes. By statute, complaints are confidential. Also, by statute, a copy of the complaint is sent to the judge, workers' compensation commissioner, or family support magistrate within five days of filing. If the matter goes to a public hearing, the complaint is made public.
6. What will the council do with my complaint?
It will be circulated to all regular council members who will study it in preparation for discussion at a subsequent council meeting. At that meeting the council determines what, if any, further information it requires. If the council determines that it is likely misconduct occurred, a confidential probable cause hearing is held. If probable cause is found, a public hearing is held to determine guilt or innocence. No penalty can be imposed unless guilt is determined. At any stage of an investigation, a complaint may be dismissed if warranted by the evidence before the council.
7. If guilt is found, what can the council do?
The council may:
** Issue a private admonishment
** Issue a public censure
** Order a suspension for a term of up to one year
** Recommend a suspension for a longer period
Recommend removal from office

8. Does the council have jurisdiction over decisions?
No. The council does not have the authority to act as a court of review, or determine the legal or factual validity of decisions or rulings. This must be pursued through the appellate system.
9. Can the council remove a judge, family support magistrate, or workers' compensation commissioner from my case?
No. The council has no such authority.
10. Should I delay an appeal until my complaint to the council has been decided?
No. Most appeals have strict time limits. You must proceed with whatever remedy is available to you within the court system to correct any errors you believe were committed in your case. Your complaint to the council is a matter totally separate from your court litigation.
11. How long does it take to resolve a complaint?
The time it takes to resolve a complaint depends on the complexity of the complaint and any required investigation.
12. Does the council give legal advice?
No. The council cannot give advice or represent clients.

Further Information

For further information, call or write the Judicial Review Council at:

505 Hudson Street, Room 116
Hartford, CT 06126-0099

Phone: (860) 566-5424
(Toll free within Connecticut)

Fax: (860) 566-6617