(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Ned Lamont today is highlighting the release of a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which shows that Connecticut has the highest rate of childhood immunizations of any state in the nation.
According to the report, Connecticut achieved an estimated 80.2% coverage rate for the recommended immunization series among children by age 24 months – well above the national average of 70.5% and above the average for the New England region of 79.7%.
“This report reveals that once again, Connecticut is a national leader in childhood immunization,” Governor Lamont said. “That is in large part due to the efforts of many professional, community-based and private partnerships that have worked diligently with the state to raise awareness of this issue. I want to thank the Connecticut Department of Public Health, the Department of Social Services, and the State Department of Education, as well as the state chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, local health departments, community health centers, and all of the healthcare practitioners who champion immunizations for their work, ensuring the health and safety of our children.”
“As the COVID-19 pandemic vaccination response has demonstrated, vaccinations are a vital part of our public health strategy, protecting individuals from disease and communities from outbreaks,” Connecticut Department of Public Health Commissioner Dr. Manisha Juthani said. “Today’s announcement is the result of years of hard work and collaboration among all of our partners, whose results protect us all. When it’s harder for disease to get a hold and run unchecked, all of our communities are safer.”
The estimates specified in the report reflect vaccines that were administered mostly prior to any disruptions that were caused as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Extra effort will be required to maintain high levels and equitable coverage with routine childhood vaccinations resulting from those disruptions. Parents are reminded to use any healthcare visit as an opportunity to get their child all the recommended vaccinations that are due. Using Connecticut’s vaccine information system, known as CT WIZ, school nurses, healthcare providers, and local health departments are able to check to see which vaccines a child might need. For parents or guardians who lost their insurance or whose insurance no longer covers vaccines, the Connecticut Vaccine and Federal Vaccines for Children Program helps provide vaccines at no cost to children whose families may not be able to afford them. Parents or guardians should talk to their healthcare provider about how to make sure their child stays up to date on their vaccinations, regardless of financial circumstances.
**On the Web: CDC report on vaccination coverage by age 24 months among children born in 2017 and 2018