(HARTFORD, CT) – Governor Ned Lamont, along with Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz and Consumer Protection Commissioner Michelle Seagull, today announced that the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) has published a step-by-step informational guide to pursuing a career in the skilled trades that aims to promote a more diverse workforce, and support women and historically disadvantaged groups in finding stable employment and higher wages as Connecticut recovers from the economic downturn of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The interactive guide, available in seven languages, was written and produced by DCP, with assistance from the Connecticut Department of Labor, the State Department of Education, and current and former tradespeople.
It was originally created as part of DCP’s contribution to the work of the Governor’s Council on Women and Girls, under the leadership of Lt. Governor Bysiewicz, and with the intent to include information and resources for people of all gender identities and historically disadvantaged backgrounds.
“Our economy works at its best when we have a diverse workforce that is prepared and supported in the career they choose,” Governor Lamont said. “That’s why I’m pleased that we’ve taken the step to release this guide, and I’m happy to have the participation of students and tradespeople in today’s event. Building a stronger, more diverse workforce is a crucial part of our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and we’re committed to continuing to think creatively in partnership with all of our state’s communities to make that goal a reality.”
“Connecticut can build a modern economy, powered by a diverse workforce, if we give all of our residents the platform to pursue a new opportunity or a career path,” Lt. Governor Bysiewicz said. “Training our workers for the jobs of tomorrow means providing them with a comprehensive guide that will help them navigate a career in the trades. This guide not only details the types of apprenticeship and job-training programs in the state, but it also provides workers with the blueprint needed to address potential barriers to employment or education such as childcare and reliable transportation. I thank the Governor’s Council on Women and Girls and the leadership of the council’s Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity and Workforce Equity for creating this guide that will only encourage workers to pursue good-paying jobs in the trades.”
“We recognized a need for an accessible and comprehensive resource to encourage a broader group of people to pursue careers in the skilled trades,” Commissioner Seagull said. “We also heard from women who worked in the trades who said people considering a career in the trades would benefit from basic information necessary to succeed in a skilled trade such as resources to assist with childcare, transportation, and access to appropriate tools and safety clothing. We hope that these resources can help people pursue careers that lead to stable employment and higher wages.”
“Connecticut’s technical high schools have the ability to lift families out of poverty in just one generation by providing students with the skills to secure well paying, in-demand jobs,” Jeffrey Wihbey, superintendent of the Connecticut Technical Education and Career System, said. “Regardless of race, gender, or cultural background, anyone can benefit from this model of education and we welcome diversity in our student body. Different perspectives help enrich our schools and strengthen our state’s workforce. I applaud this outstanding effort by the Department of Consumer Protection and Department of Labor to advance careers in the trades throughout our state.”
The guide, Careers in the Trades, is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, Korean, Chinese, and Polish. It can be found online at portal.ct.gov/careerinthetrades.