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Sec. 1-21j-1. General definitions
(a) As used in section 1-21j-1 to section 1-21j-57, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, the following words and phrases shall have the same definitions as those contained in chapter 54 of the general statutes, except where any such word or phrase is used in a context which clearly indicates the contrary: "agency," "contested case," "final decision," "hearing officer," "intervenor," "license," "licensing," "party," "person," "presiding officer," "proposed final decision," "proposed regulation," "regulation," and "regulation-making." If a conflict arises between any of the above definitions contained in chapter 54 and any definition of the same word or phrase contained in the Freedom of Information Act, as defined in subdivision (7) of subsection (b) of this section, the definition contained in the Freedom of Information Act shall prevail.
(b) In addition, as used in section 1-21j-1 to section 1-21j-57, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings, except where any such word or phrase is used in a context which clearly indicates the contrary:
            (1) "Advisory opinion" means a "declaratory ruling" as used in chapter 54 of the general statutes. The term "advisory opinion" in any commission record shall refer to a "declaratory ruling," as herein defined.
            (2) "Commission" means the Freedom of Information Commission of the state of Connecticut.
            (3) "Commissioner" means an individual appointed to serve as a member of the commission when acting in such capacity.
            (4) "Complaint" means an appeal to the commission under section 1-21i* of the general statutes.
            (5) "Complainant" means a person who brings a complaint to the commission.
            (6) "Executive director" means the commission’s executive director and general counsel.
            (7) "Freedom of Information Act" means that portion of chapter 3* of the general statutes dealing with access to the records and meetings of public agencies, as defined in that chapter, and which establishes and empowers the Freedom of Information Commission.
            (8) "Freedom of Information Commission" means the state agency established and empowered under sections 1-21i* and 1-21j* of the general statutes.
            (9) "Hearing" means that portion of the commission's proceedings in the disposition of matters delegated to its jurisdiction by law wherein an opportunity for the presentation of evidence and argument occurs. Any such hearing shall be a public hearing.
            (10) "In camera inspection" means a review by the commission or a presiding officer of records received as evidence, or a proceeding during which such records are reviewed, in which unauthorized persons are not permitted to inspect, copy or otherwise learn of the contents of such records, except as provided in these regulations.
            (11) "Managing director" means the commission’s managing director and associate general counsel.
            (12) "Petitioner" or "applicant" means any person that has filed a petition or application respectively.
            (13) "Respondent" means the person or agency against which a complaint is brought to the commission.