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     The Freedom of Information Commission will hold special meetings during the week of September 18, 2017 through September 22, 2017 at the specific dates and times listed below.  Each meeting will be held in the Freedom of Information Hearing Room, First Floor, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut, for the purpose of conducting a hearing concerning the contested case designated by the corresponding docket number listed below.  For further information concerning these hearings, please contact the Commission’s administrative office at 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut 06106:  telephone (860) 566-5682.
Date____________ Time___ Contested Case
Docket #
Contested Case Caption
September 18,2017  11:00 AM  FIC 2017-0396 Rand Stanley v. Chairman, Pension and Retirement Board, Town of East Windsor; Pension and Retirement Board, Town of East Windsor; and
 1:00 PM FIC 2017-0317 Marianne Heffernan v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction
     2:30 PM FIC 2017-0308 Danielle Morfi v. First Selectman, Town of North Haven; Chairman, Middle School Building Committee, Town of North Haven; and Town of North Haven
September 19,2017  1:00 PM FIC 2017-0353 Ethan Fry, and the Valley Independent Sentinel v. Mayor, City of Derby; and City of Derby
 2:30 PM FIC 2016-0885 Douglas Steeves v. Chief, Police Department, City of Shelton; Police Department, City of Shelton; and City of Shelton
     2:30 PM FIC 2016-0888 Raymond Reynolds v. Chief, Police Department, City of Shelton; Police Department, City of Shelton; and City of Shelton
September 20,2017  1:00 PM FIC 2017-0203 Thomas Phillips v. Alex Johnson, President, Capital Workforce Partners; and Capital Workforce Partners
   2:30 PM FIC 2017-0031 Donald Meehan v. Chief, Police Department, City of Hartford; Police Department, City of Hartford; and City of Hartford
September 21,2017  11:00 AM FIC 2017-0360 Joan Coe v. David Ryan, President, Simsbury Performing Arts Center Board; and Simsbury Performing Arts Center Board
 1:00 PM FIC 2017-0341 Barbara Schafer v. First Selectman, Town of Southbury; and Town of Southbury
September 22,2017   
No Special Meetings Scheduled
Date____________ Time___ Contested Case
Docket #
Contested Case Caption
 September 18,2017  11:00 AM FIC 2017-0396 Rand Stanley v. Chairman, Pension and Retirement Board, Town of East Windsor; Pension and Retirement Board, Town of East Windsor; and
  NOTICE:  The special meeting scheduled in the following matter for September 18, 2017 at 11:00 AM, was cancelled.  The complaint in this matter has been withdrawn.


Docket #FIC 2017-0396

Rand Stanley v. Chairman, Pension and Retirement Board, Town of East Windsor; Pension and Retirement Board, Town of East Windsor; and

 September 18,2017  1:00 PM FIC 2017-0317 Marianne Heffernan v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction

An evidentiary hearing of the Freedom of Information Commission in the following matter was held on September 18, 2017 in the Freedom of Information Hearing Room, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut.

Docket #FIC 2017-0317

Marianne Heffernan v. Commissioner, State of Connecticut, Department of Correction; and State of Connecticut, Department of Correction

Marianne Heffernan appeared on her own behalf.  Attorney Nicole Anker appeared on behalf of the respondents.  Attorney Kenneth Rosenthal  appeared on behalf of David Weinberg.  No votes were taken.  The proceedings were digitally recorded.

            The hearing convened at 1:07 PM with Attorney Valicia D. Harmon presiding. 

            The hearing adjourned at 2:35 PM.

Dated:  September 19, 2017

 September 18,2017  2:30 PM FIC 2017-0308 Danielle Morfi v. First Selectman, Town of North Haven; Chairman, Middle School Building Committee, Town of North Haven; and Town of North Haven

An evidentiary hearing of the Freedom of Information Commission in the following matter was held on September 18, 2017 in the Freedom of Information Hearing Room, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut.

Docket #FIC 2017-0308

Danielle Morfi v. First Selectman, Town of North Haven; Chairman, Middle School Building Committee, Town of North Haven; and Town of North Haven

Danielle Morfi appeared on her own behalf.  Attorney William Ryan appeared on behalf of the respondents.  No votes were taken.  The proceedings were digitally recorded.

            The hearing convened at 2:39 PM with Attorney Kathleen K. Ross presiding. 

            The hearing adjourned at 3:58 PM.

Dated:  September 19, 2017


Date____________ Time___ Contested Case
Docket #
Contested Case Caption
  September 19,2017  1:00 PM FIC 2017-0353 Ethan Fry, and the Valley Independent Sentinel v. Mayor, City of Derby; and City of Derby

An evidentiary hearing of the Freedom of Information Commission in the following matter was held on September 19, 2017 in the Freedom of Information Hearing Room, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut.

Docket #FIC 2017-0353;

Ethan Fry, and the Valley Independent Sentinel v. Mayor, City of Derby; and City of Derby

Ethan Fry failed to appear on behalf of the complainants.  Attorney Francis A. Teodosio failed to appear on behalf of the respondents.  No votes were taken.  The proceedings were digitally recorded.

The hearing convened at 1:16 PM with Attorney Valicia D. Harmon presiding. 

The hearing adjourned at 1:17 PM.

Dated:  September 21, 2017

  September 19,2017  2:30 PM FIC 2017-0885 Douglas Steeves v. Chief, Police Department, City of Shelton; Police Department, City of Shelton; and City of Shelton

An evidentiary hearing of the Freedom of Information Commission in the following consolidated matters was held on September 19, 2017 in the Freedom of Information Hearing Room, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut.

Docket #FIC 2016-0885;

Douglas Steeves v. Chief, Police Department, City of Shelton; Police Department, City of Shelton; and City of Shelton

Douglas Steeves appeared on his own behalf.  Raymond Reynolds appeared on his own behalf.  Attorney Ramon Sous appeared on behalf of the respondents.  No votes were taken.  The proceedings were digitally recorded.

The hearing convened at 2:30 PM with Attorney Victor R. Perpetua presiding. 

The hearing adjourned at 3:10 PM.

Dated:  September 22, 2017

September 19,2017  2:30 PM FIC 2017-0888 Raymond Reynolds v. Chief, Police Department, City of Shelton; Police Department, City of Shelton; and City of Shelton

An evidentiary hearing of the Freedom of Information Commission in the following consolidated matters was held on September 19, 2017 in the Freedom of Information Hearing Room, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut.

Docket #FIC 2016-0888;

Raymond Reynolds v. Chief, Police Department, City of Shelton; Police Department, City of Shelton; and City of Shelton

Douglas Steeves appeared on his own behalf.  Raymond Reynolds appeared on his own behalf.  Attorney Ramon Sous appeared on behalf of the respondents.  No votes were taken.  The proceedings were digitally recorded.

The hearing convened at 2:30 PM with Attorney Victor R. Perpetua presiding. 

The hearing adjourned at 3:10 PM.

Dated:  September 22, 2017


Date____________ Time___ Contested Case
Docket #
Contested Case Caption
September 20,2017  1:00 PM FIC 2017-0203 Thomas Phillips v. Alex Johnson, President, Capital Workforce Partners; and Capital Workforce Partners

NOTICE:  The special meeting scheduled in the following matter for September 20, 2017 at 1:00 PM, was cancelled.  The complaint in this matter has been withdrawn.


Docket #FIC 2017-0203;

Thomas Phillips v. Alex Johnson, President, Capital Workforce Partners; and Capital Workforce Partners

September 20,2017  2:30 PM FIC 2017-0031 Donald Meehan v. Chief, Police Department, City of Hartford; Police Department, City of Hartford; and City of Hartford

NOTICE:  The special meeting scheduled in the following matter for September 20, 2017 at 2:30 PM, was postponed.


Docket #FIC 2017-0031;

Donald Meehan v. Chief, Police Department, City of Hartford; Police Department, City of Hartford; and City of Hartford



Date____________ Time___ Contested Case
Docket #
Contested Case Caption
September 21,2017  11:00 AM FIC 2017-0360 Joan Coe v. David Ryan, President, Simsbury Performing Arts Center Board; and Simsbury Performing Arts Center Board

An evidentiary hearing of the Freedom of Information Commission in the following matter was held on September 21, 2017 in the Freedom of Information Hearing Room, 18-20 Trinity Street, Hartford, Connecticut.

Docket #FIC 2017-0360;

Joan Coe v. David Ryan, President, Simsbury Performing Arts Center Board; and Simsbury Performing Arts Center Board

Joan Coe appeared on her own behalf.  Attorney Charles Houlihan, Jr. appeared on behalf of the respondents.  No votes were taken.  The proceedings were digitally recorded.

The hearing convened at 11:02 AM with Attorney Kathleen K. Ross presiding. 

The hearing adjourned at 1:50 PM.

Dated:  September 22, 2017  

September 21,2017  1:00 PM FIC 2017-0341 Barbara Schafer v. First Selectman, Town of Southbury; and Town of Southbury

NOTICE:  The special meeting scheduled in the following matter for September 21, 2017 at 1:00 PM, was cancelled.  The complaint in this matter has been withdrawn.


Docket #FIC 2017-0341;

Barbara Schafer v. First Selectman, Town of Southbury; and Town of Southbury