Insert an Anchor Link

An Anchor Link is a hyperlink on a page that when clicked, jumps the visitor to a specific area on that same page or a different page. Inserting an anchor link requires two parts: creating the anchor and linking to the anchor. This is done through the Rich Text Editor.

NOTE: If the page you are editing is Checked in and Unlocked, select the Lock and Edit link to check it out and edit the page.
Lock and Edit Warning Message


Adding an Anchor Link
  1. Click your mouse around the text you want hyperlinked. A toolbox will appear with icons to choose from.
  2. Select the Editor Rich Text Editor icon icon. The Rich Text Editor box will appear.
  3. Place your cursor in front of the text (or title in this case) you want the anchor link to jump to.
    Creating an anchor link

  4. Select the Hyperlink ManagerHyperlink Manager iconicon. The Insert Link box will appear displaying the Hyperlink tab.
  5. Select the Anchor tab.

  6. In the Name field, enter a name for the anchor.
  7. Select OK.
    • NOTE: You will not see the anchor you just added on the page.
  8. Highlight the text you want to link to the anchor you just created. This text would typically be located at the top of the page, but not always.
    Insert Anchor Link

  9. Select the Hyperlink ManagerHyperlink Manager iconicon.
  10. From the Hyperlink tab, select the Existing Anchor dropdown.
  11. Select the the anchor name you just created.
    Hyperlink Manager Box - Select existing anchor
  12. Select OK.
  13. Save Save icon your changes.


Removing an Anchor Link

To remove the anchor link, follow these steps.

  1. From the Rich Text Editor, highlight the hyperlinked text you want to remove the anchor link from.
  2. Select the Remove LinkRemove Link iconicon and the anchor link will be removed from the text.
  3. Select the Accept button at the bottom right of the Rich Text Editor box.
  4. Save Save icon your changes.


Linking an Anchor Link to another Page

To link an anchor link to another page, follow these steps.

  1. Note the location of the page to which you want to link, as well as the name of the target anchor.
  2. On the page which will contain the link, highlight the text you want to make clickable.
  3. Select the Sitecore LinkInsert an internal link icon icon.
  4. Use the Content Tree to navigate to and select the page identified in Step 1.
  5. Re-highlight the text in which you just inserted a link, and select the Hyperlink Manager Hyperlink Manager iconicon. The Insert Link box will appear, displaying the Hyperlink tab.
  6. Append the name of the target anchor onto the end of the URL in the URL field. Be sure to place a pound (#) sign before the anchor name.
    Appending an anchor name onto an internal link
  7. NOTE: Anchor names are case-sensitive, so be sure the capitalization used matches the anchor's name.

  8. Select OK.
  9. Select the Accept button at the bottom right of the Rich Text Editor box.
  10. Save Save icon your changes.