Holiday: The Department of Revenue Services will be closed on Monday, February 17th, a state holiday

This information is not current and is being provided for reference purposes only

AN 99(1)

Obtaining Connecticut Informational Publications In Booklet Form

This publication has been superseded by AN 99(1.1)

PURPOSE: The purpose of this Announcement is to provide information about obtaining copies of informational publications in booklet form.

EFFECTIVE DATE: January 10, 1999.

BACKGROUND: The Department of Revenue Services (DRS) publishes a large number of tax information publications in the form of special notices, announcements, policy statements and informational publications. Most of these publications are one to four pages long. DRS does not charge for these publications nor for the cost of mailing them. However, DRS currently publishes three informational publications in booklet form: IP 95(1.1), A Guide to Connecticut Sales and Use Taxes for Building Contractors; IP 95(2.1), A Guide to Connecticut Corporation Business Tax Credits; and IP 95(14), Sales and Use Taxes Guide for Manufacturers, Fabricators and Processors.

DRS POLICY: Because of the costs involved in reproducing and mailing these booklets, DRS will limit distribution of certain publications to one copy per request and will mail them only on a postage-paid basis. The postage rates listed in this publication are those rates in effect on January 10, 1999.

PICKING UP BOOKLETS AT A DRS OFFICE: DRS will not charge for a copy of any informational publication in booklet form if it is picked up at the DRS main office in Hartford or in its field office locations. Please call the location before you visit to be sure copies of the publication you intend to obtain are available at that location.

EFFECT ON OTHER DOCUMENTS: AN 95(11) is superseded by this publication and can no longer be relied upon.

EFFECT OF THIS DOCUMENT: Announcements alert taxpayers to new developments (other than newly enacted or amended Connecticut or federal laws or newly released judicial decisions), including new administrative positions, policies or practices.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Please call the Department of Revenue Services during business hours, Monday through Friday:

    (in-state), or anywhere).
TTY, TDD and Text Telephone users only may transmit inquiries 24 hours a day by calling 860-297-4911.

FORMS AND PUBLICATIONS: Forms and publications are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week:

    AN 99(1)
    Issued:  1/99