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Agency Strategic Plan

Agency Strategic Plan 2023 - 2025

Previous Strategic Planning Periods:
Strategic Plan Process and Summary
Agency Strategic Plan 2019 - 2023 
2019 - 2020 Strategic Map
Strategic Plan Annual Reports

As part of the Connecticut Department of Public Health's (DPH) ongoing strategic planning efforts, in June 2018 agency staff and external partners and stakeholders participated in a facilitated, half-day session to review and update the agency’s strategic plan and strategic map based on progress made towards goals since the previous strategic plan was adopted in 2013. Participants reaffirmed the agency’s vision, mission, and organizational values, conducted an environmental scan, and set priorities and direction for the agency for the next five years. In September 2018, DPH made final edits to the strategic map to take effect in 2019. An overview of the agency’s strategic planning process, participants, methods used for review, and steps in the planning process are provided in the Strategic Plan Process and Summary document.

The Strategic Map is the foundation for the formal agency Strategic Plan and facilitates implementation of agency strategic planning efforts. It is updated every other year as part of the agency’s continuous strategic planning process to reflect emerging public health issues and changes in the operating environment. As part of the Connecticut Department of Public Health's (DPH) ongoing strategic planning efforts, in June 2018 agency staff and external partners and stakeholders participated in a facilitated, half-day session to review and update the agency’s strategic plan and strategic map based on progress made towards goals since the previous strategic plan was adopted in 2013. Participants reaffirmed the agency’s vision, mission, and organizational values, conducted an environmental scan, and set priorities and direction for the agency for the next five years. In September 2018, DPH made final edits to the strategic map to take effect in 2019. An overview of the agency’s strategic planning process, participants, methods used for review, and steps in the planning process are provided in the Strategic Plan Process and Summary document.

The Strategic Map is the foundation for the formal agency Strategic Plan and facilitates implementation of agency strategic planning efforts. It is updated every other year as part of the agency’s continuous strategic planning process to reflect emerging public health issues and changes in the operating environment.

Updated: AUG 2023