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Board of Examiners for Optometrists


410 Capitol Avenue, MS #13PHOEyeglasses and eye exam chart

P. O. Box 340308

Hartford, CT 06134-0308



Licensure/Examination Information

Phone:   860-509-7603 - Menu Option 3

Fax:       860-509-8457


Administrative/Non Licensure




Mandatory Continuing Education Requirements


On-Line License Verification 



Reporting a Health Care Complaint


Mandatory Reporting of Impaired Practitioners




Statutes and Regulations

 Connecticut General Statutes Chapter 380 - Optometry



Connecticut General Statues Section 10-305

Reports of blind persons by physicians and optometrists



Mandatory Reporters of Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation




Optometry Regulations (pdf)


Administrative Regulations - Public Health Code

Rules of Practice (pdf)

Medical Records (pdf)




Declaratory Rulings

Circumstances under which an optometrist would be considered to be
practicing his profession as an employee of any unlicensed person, firm or organization.




Board Members


Matthew Blondin, OD - Chairman

Susan P. Barrett (Public Member)

Carol R. Goldberg (Public Member)

Lawrence Lefland, OD

Joseph E. Pavano, III, OD

Regina A. Strand, OD

Lawrence M. Sweeney (Public Member)



Meeting Agendas and Minutes




Disciplinary Actions


Disciplinary Actions Against Licensees


Regulatory Action Reports - A listing of disciplinary actions taken against all licensed professionals and organizations.