Annual State & County Population with Demographics

State and county population estimates by Age, Sex, Race and Hispanic origin (ASRH) are produced annually by the US Census Bureau's Population Estimates Program. 


In the datasets provided below, race is provided using the single and multiple race classification:  White, Black, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and Two or More races.  This race classification differs from previously released estimates for 2000-2019 that used the single, bridged race classification, available here.   Visit our race-ethnicity classification page for more information.

State-level ASRH estimate tables in Excel

By 18 Age Groups: 2000-2009 2010-2019 2020-2023

By 19 Age Groups: 2010-2019 2020-2023

County-level ASRH estimate tables in Excel

By 18 Age Groups: 2000-2009 2010-2019 

By 19 Age Groups: 2020-2023


Datasets (in both csv and SAS): 

Population estimates with demographic characteristics (age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin) for 2000 to present are provided below. 


2020-2022 Postcensal Estimates for State and County/CEPR:  

Available by single year of age for state and county/CEPR.



2010-2019 Postcensal* Estimates for State and County:

Available by single year of age for state and five-year age groups for county.


  * Final, intercensal estimates will replace these postcensal estimates in late 2024.


2000-2009 Intercensal Estimates for State and County:

Available by five-year age groups for state and county.



Recommended Citations:  Citation information is included within each dataset.