The Federal Government has reopened Every household can order four over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for free. These tests are intended for use throughout the 2024 holiday season to detect currently circulating COVID-19 variants. Please visit for your free test.

Main Database  To manage the following information with the intent of uploading to US EPA STORET national database. Tables in this database may be linked to other database described below.  Sample collection metadata, station metadata, data logger results, phys/chem. Grab sample results, macroinvertebrate community data, periphyton community data, fish community data, aquatic toxicity chemistry results, and volunteer water quality monitoring results.  One of the many uses of the data is for annual assessments to US EPA as part of the 305b reporting process.  This database will be modified with the addition of information currently stored in the tissue analysis database and the streamsu database in the future.  
Beaches database  To manage sample collection metadata, station metadata, and indicator bacteria data collected as part of the State Owned bathing beach-monitoring program.  The program operates from the week prior to memorial day through labor day.  Weekly water samples are collected at up to 5 fixed locations at each of 21 state owned designated bathing areas.  The database tracks both raw data and closure data.  This database will remain self-contained. 
Aquatic Toxicity  To manage sample collection metadata, toxicity test metadata, toxicity test results, and toxicity chemistry results. The data is primarily used for NPDES permit compliance verification.  Station metadata is linked to Main Database. 

Tissue analysis  To manage sample collection metadata, individual fish/organism metadata, tissue sample generation metadata, and tissue contaminant result data.  This database will be fully merged into the main database in the future. 

STREAMSU To manage station location metadata, fish community sample metadata and fish community data as collected by the DEP BNR Inland Fisheries Division.  Data is used to assist with water quality assessments.  Data for locations requested by BWM P&S will be fully merged into the main database in the future. 
USGS DATA To manage station location metadata and USGS generated physical/chemical data.  Data are collected as part of a cooperative monitoring agreement with DEP.  This database will remain self-contained.