The Federal Government has reopened Every household can order four over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for free. These tests are intended to detect currently circulating COVID-19 variants. Please visit for your free test.

Environmental Laboratory Certification Program (ELCP)

The Environmental Laboratory Certification Program (ELCP) registers and approves all environmental laboratories (private, municipal, and industrial non-commercial) granting certification for testing of drinking water, wastewater, sewage, solid waste, soils, and other environmental samples for microbiologicals, inorganics, organics, and radiochemicals. The authority for this function is found in the Connecticut General Statues Sections 19a-29a and 25-40 and Public Health Code Regulations 19-4-1; 19a-36-a25 through A33; and 19a-36-A57 through A63. The ELCP office also enforces U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations involving environmental laboratory testing (the Safe Drinking Water Act, the Clean Water Act and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act The Environmental Laboratory Certification Program mission is to promote the benchmark by which accurate, precise, and legally defensible analytical data is reported by the environmental laboratory industry for use in compliance and in accordance with federal and state law.  This is accomplished by ensuring that environmental laboratories located in or doing business in CT meet all applicable EPA and CT standards.

List of Laboratories

Certification/Applications Environmental Laboratory Application Forms 
Laws and Regulations
Lab Advisory Committee Minutes

Proficiency Testing Requirements
Analytes and Matrices
Miscellaneous Information Asbestos Related For more information contact:
Environmental Laboratory Certification Program
410 Capitol Avenue, MS# 11LAB
PO Box 340308 Hartford, CT 06134