The Federal Government has reopened Every household can order four over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for free. These tests are intended to detect currently circulating COVID-19 variants. Please visit for your free test.

Water Quality Monitoring Schedules and Certified Operator Assignments

The Connecticut Department of Public Health Drinking Water Section (DWS) provides routine Water Quality Monitoring Schedules to assist owners and operators of Public Water Systems (PWS) in maintaining compliance with the water quality monitoring requirements. The Schedule may not necessarily indicate all of the PWS's monitoring obligations, such as in the case of repeat and confirmation sample requirements. The PWS should contact the DWS for assistance regarding additional obligations if a Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for an analyte is exceeded. If there are any future changes in sampling frequencies, the PWS will be informed in writing by the DWS. Any inaccuracies in the Schedule will not relieve the owner or operator of the requirement to maintain compliance with the applicable regulations. The schedules also include the designated chief operator and any assigned operator for each Community and Non-Transient Non-Community PWS's classified Water System Facility. The PWS and certified operator should review this information for accuracy. The Operator Verification Form shall be used to make any modifications or deletions to the operators listed on the schedule. Please contact the Enforcement and Certification Unit at (860) 509-7333 with any questions or concerns regarding the operator assignments listed in the schedule. Please contact the Information Systems Unit at (860) 509-7333 with any questions or concerns regarding the water quality monitoring requirements, inventory and contact information.