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The Connecticut Section of the American Water Works Association has been developing a Connecticut Water/ Wastewater Agency Response Network (CtWARN). The CtWARN is a network comprised of utilities providing assistance to one another in the form of personnel and resources during emergencies by means of a pre-drafted mutual aid agreement. As a result, the CtWARN will provide for increased planning, coordination and enhanced access to specialized resources to enable rapid, short-term deployment of emergency services to restore critical operations of the affected utility.

The Connecticut Department of Public Health has participated through its Drinking Water Section (DWS) with Connecticut’s Drinking Water Industry in this initiative.

The CtWARN’s mission is to support and promote statewide emergency preparedness, disaster response, and mutual assistance matters for public and private water and wastewater utilities. Through this Mutual Aid and Assistance Program, members coordinate response activities and share resources during emergency events. The Agreement sets forth the procedures and standards for the administration of the Connecticut Intrastate Mutual Aid and Assistance Program.

The CtWARN supports a major National Water Sector-Specific Plan (SSP) goal of maintaining a resilient infrastructure. The development of this water and wastewater mutual aid program will further enhance security and resiliency of the Water Sector, which has been designated as one of the national critical infrastructures and a key resource.

The CtWARN Steering Committee Members:

  • American Water Works Association- CT Section

  • Aquarion Water Company of CT

  • Atlantic States Rural Water & Wastewater Assoc.

  • Birmingham Utilities

  • Capitol Region Council of Governments

  • Connecticut Water Company

  • CT Dept. of Emergency Management & Homeland Security

  • CT Dept. of Environmental Protection

  • CT Dept. of Public Health

  • CT Dept. of Public Utility Control

  • Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation

  • Middletown Water Department

  • New England Water Environment Association

  • Portland Water Company

  • South Central CT Regional Water Authority

  • Southington Water Department

  • The Metropolitan District

Visit the CtWARN website,, for more information and to learn more about how your public water system can become a member.

  • May 27, 2009 - Connecticut Water/ Wastewater Agency Response Network Workshop and Tabletop Exercise, free half-day workshop.  Click here for more information.