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Safe Drinking Water Primacy Assessment

Section 75 of Public Act 19-117, signed into law in June 2019, authorizes the Department of Public Health (DPH) to collect an assessment from water companies that own Non-Transient Non-Community public water systems (NTNC) and Community public water systems (CWS). Assessment fees are established within the Public Act, based upon the classification and size of the owned system. The DPH will begin collecting the assessment, in accordance with a timeline specified in the Public Act, to support the department's ability to maintain primacy under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). Primacy is the responsibility to implement and enforce the SDWA. Since 1977, the DPH has been delegated primacy from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.  The Safe Drinking Water Primacy Summary, outlining the costs to support primacy under the SDWA, can be viewed here.  If you have questions regarding the Safe Drinking Water Primacy Assessment, please read our Frequently Asked Questions document. The summary below outlines the law's requirements concerning the Safe Drinking Water Primacy Assessment:
  • All NTNCs = $125 annual fee
  • CWSs with less than 50 service connections = $125 annual fee
  • CWSs with 50 to 99 service connections = $150 annual fee
  • CWSs with 100 or more service connections = $1.87 per service connection

Public Comment Period - Now Open (10/30/2020 through 11/30/2020)

Pursuant to section 19a-37f of the Connecticut General Statutes, the DPH is required to post an annual report for the previous fiscal year that includes: (1) Resources, activities, and costs that support DPH's ability to maintain primacy, (2) the number of full-time equivalent positions that performed the required functions to maintain primacy and (3) quality improvement strategies the DPH has deployed to streamline operations.  A thirty day public comment period follows the posting of the report (information regarding comment submittal can be found in the Legal Notice link below). 

Important Dates

  1. On or before August 1, 2020: DPH shall issue a statement of service connections to CWSs (CWSs allowed 30-days to review & respond).
  2. On or before October 1, 2020: DPH shall post the cost to support primacy under the SDWA on the DPH website.
  3. On or before November 1, 2020: DPH shall post a year-end report for the SFY '20 assessment.  Thirty day public comment period to follow.
  4. On or before January 1, 2021: DPH issues invoices to CWSs and NTNC systems.  Year-end report due to the Governor and General Assembly.
  5. On or before March 1, 2021: 50% of the assessment is due for CWSs with 100 or more service connections and NTNC payments are due in full.
  6. On or before May 1, 2021: Payments are due in full for CWSs.
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