The Federal Government has reopened Every household can order four over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for free. These tests are intended to detect currently circulating COVID-19 variants. Please visit for your free test.

Drinking Water Section WebEOC

WebEOC is a web-based emergency management information system used by the State of Connecticut to document routine and emergency events/incidents. WebEOC provides a real-time common operating picture and resource request management tool for emergency managers at the local and state levels during exercises, drills, local or regional emergencies, and/or statewide emergencies.

As a result of the three major storms in 2011-2013, a specific dedicated WebEOC screen was created solely for public water system use.  It is important that public water systems understand and be prepared to utilize this new method to report system status to the DPH during an emergency event through the state web-based Emergency Operations System.


Drinking Water Status Controller Board: User Guide for Public Water Systems

Drinking Water Status Controller Board Training Presentation

Login to WebEOC here:

PWS WebEOC Credentials Request Form

Access the Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security WebEOC page here:

Access the DPH Emergency Management page here: