The Federal Government has reopened Every household can order four over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for free. These tests are intended to detect currently circulating COVID-19 variants. Please visit for your free test.


Certificate and Contact Information

To check or verify any certification issued by the CT DPH, Drinking Water Section, please visit the State of Connecticut e-Licensing Website: (click on “Lookup a License”, enter operator’s name or certification number, click “Search”)



Available for Contract Work: Certified Water System Operators (Treatment Plant, Distribution System & Small Water System

The DWS maintains a list of certified operators that have requested to be listed as being available to hire for contract work. This list does not constitute an endorsement and those listed are not the only certified operators in the state. This list is comprised of operators with different certifications types and class levels as well as Certified Backflow Prevention Device Testers and Certified Cross Connection Survey Inspectors. Public Water Systems must insure the contracted operator is appropriately certified to conduct work on their particular system.

  • (click on “Generate Roster(s)” then click on “Drinking Water System Operators” check the box “Contractor List - Drinking Water Systems (No Fee Required)” scroll down and click “Continue”, then follow prompts to download the list.



Certified Operator Responsibilities

Every Community and Non-Transient Non-Community Public Water System shall designate a “Chief Operator” for each of its treatment plants, distribution systems and/or small water systems. The Chief Operator must be certified at or above the plant or system’s class level. An operator, certified at any class level, can be designated as the chief operator of a small water system. The Chief Operator must be in “direct responsible charge” of the treatment plant, distribution system and/or small water system. All operators in direct responsible charge and any operators making process control/system integrity decisions about water quality and quantity that affect public health, shall be certified at or above the plant or system’s class level or certified as a conditional, limited or provisional operator.

 In the event the Chief Operator is not available, the Public Water System shall place an operator, who is certified at or above the plant or system’s class level, in direct responsible charge of the treatment plant, distribution system or small water system. The operator’s “direct responsible charge” of a treatment plant, distribution system or small water system is defined by the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies to mean “an active, daily responsibility” of the treatment plant or system. The lists below describe the duties and responsibilities of a Certified Small Water System Operator and the duties and responsibilities of Certified Class I and Class II Water Treatment Operators.

Operator Verification and Contact Update

It is the responsibility of the certified operator to keep all contact information up to date with the Department of Public Health. Submit the following form to the Drinking Water Section’s Operator Certification Program if there is a change in your address/contact information to ensure you receive all important State mailings including certificate renewal applications. 

All Community and Non-Transient Non-Community Public Water Systems are required to notify the Drinking Water Division (DWS) of the certified operators designated for each Treatment Plant, Distribution System and Small Water System. The Operator Verification Form is to be submitted by the Public Water System to notify the DWS of any designations or changes. This form should be submitted prior to or immediately after any change so that the system is not in violation of operator certification regulations. Certified Operators should ensure that this form is submitted if they are no longer the operator for a system so that the DWS does not continue to hold them responsible for the system’s operation. 

Water Fluoridation

Community water fluoridation, cited as one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Fluoride Posters:

For further information on fluoride visit the CDC