The Federal Government has reopened Every household can order four over-the-counter COVID-19 tests for free. These tests are intended for use throughout the 2024 holiday season to detect currently circulating COVID-19 variants. Please visit for your free test.

Capability 4: Emergency Public Information and Warning

Function 1: Activate the emergency public information system
Skills and Training 1 (Priority): Public Information staff should complete the following Incident Management System Training
  • Introduction to Incident Command System (IS-100.b) *available online*
  • Incident Command System for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents (IS-200.b) *available online*
  • Emergency Support Function 15 External Affairs: A New Approach to Emergency Communication and Information Distribution (IS-250) *available online*
  • National Incident Management System, An Introduction (IS.700.a) *available online*
  • National Incident Management System Public Information Systems (IS-702.a) *available online*
  • National Response Framework, An Introduction (IS-800b) *available online*
Skills and Training 2 (Priority): Deliver key messages using principles of crisis and emergency risk communication. To ensure this the following training must be taken within six months of hire date and at least once every five years thereafter by public information staff within the jurisdiction:
Function 2: Determine the need for a joint public information system
Skills and Training 1: Determine the need for a joint public information system
  • Public health agency staff or volunteers for partner agencies, who will support the media, research, or administrative support functions during an incident should have awareness-level training specific to media operations during an incident (e.g., IS-702.a).
Function 3: Establish and participate in information system operations
Skills and Training 1: Public information staff should be trained in the following:
  • National Incident Management Systems (IS-701.a) *available online*
  • Emergency Management Institute G291 - Joint Information System/Joint Information Center Planning for Tribal, State and Local Public Information Officers
Function 4: Establish avenues for public interaction and information exchange
Skills and Training 1: Public information staff should be trained in use of social media and health communications. (e.g., IS-42 - Social Media in Emergency Management)
Skills and Training 2: Public information staff should complete the following training:
  • National Incident Management System Communications and Information Management (IS-704) *available online*
Function 5: Issue public information, alerts, warnings, and notifications
Skills and Training 1: Information technology skill set to support health alert system.
Skills and Training 2: Training health communication staff in health communication and cultural sensitivity (e.g., Cultural Competency Curriculum for Disaster Preparedness and Crisis Response, Exploring Cross Cultural Communication)