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Mortality Statistics

Mortality statistics provide a valuable measure for assessing community health status.  The importance of mortality statistics derives both from the significance of death in an individual’s life as well as their potential to improve the public’s health when used to systematically assess and monitor the health status of a whole community.  Within the realm of public health, mortality statistics are often used as a cornerstone in formulating health plans and policies to prevent or reduce premature mortality and improve our quality of life. 


As noted in one of our prior reports, "mortality data are some of the best sources of information about the health of living communities. They provide a snapshot of current health problems, suggest persistent patterns of risk in specific communities, and show trends in specific causes of death over time. Many causes of death are preventable or treatable and, therefore, warrant the attention of public health prevention efforts. Furthermore, because mortality data allow us to identify leading causes of premature death, they provide a valuable benchmark for evaluating progress in increasing years of healthy life for Connecticut residents.  As such, they are important indicators of where federal, state, and local prevention efforts should be placed in building healthy communities" (Hynes M, et al. Mortality & Its Risk Factors in CT: 1989-1998, p. I-3).


In addition, mortality statistics are a useful tool for health assessment due to the standardized, broadly accepted methods used to produce them.  Connecticut and other states throughout the U.S. follow the coding, data collection, and data processing standards set forth by the World Health Organization and the National Center for Health Statistics/Centers for Disease Control.  This surveillance infrastructure has helped to assure the comparability and integrity of mortality data throughout the U.S.  In addition, mortality data benefits from the existence of death registration systems that provide information on virtually all death occurrences.


Mortality statistics are published by the CT Department of Public Health for Connecticut resident deaths.  The CT mortality tables provide the cause of death, the number of deaths for that cause, the age-adjusted mortality rate, and the years of potential life lost.  Statistical comparisons assessing changes over time and differences between demographic groups are also provided.  


Mortality Data Briefs:   


    Connecticut COVID-19 Mortality: Demographic Comparisons and Disparities, March 2020–February 2021


     Connecticut's Unintentional Injury (Accident) Mortality Trends by Subcause, 2000-2020


Mortality Tables (AAMR & YPLL):  

Data tables are published annually. For data prior to 2000, please contact Health Statistics and Surveillance (860-509-7658).  Please visit our technical notes page for definitions of mortality terms and for detailed information about mortality statistics.  Provisional 2020 mortality data have been released. Final 2020 mortality data will be available after the US Census Bureau publishes state population estimates with demographics for July 1, 2020, which are scheduled for release by USCB in fall 2022.


   2000 to 2020 Mortality Statistics with 75 Cause of Death Categories

Vital Statistics (Registration Reports):  

Annual frequencies and rates of deaths of CT residents are also available at the state, county and town level through the Vital Statistics page.