UniteCT Workforce Rental Assistance Program

UniteCT Workforce Rental Assistance Program provides up to 3 months of rental assistance for qualifying participants registered in a workforce training program in Connecticut.  The Workforce Rental Assistance Program is only processing applications as long as program funds are available.  

Programmatic Overview:

To be eligible for the UniteCT Workforce Rental Assistance Program, a tenant must be registered for a workforce training program in Connecticut. The training program must:

• Be hosted by either a Connecticut State Agency or a Connecticut Workforce Investment Board

• Last a minimum of 4 weeks

The tenant will be asked to submit the following:

• Government issued photo ID

• Training program start date & end date

• Document showing tenant's registration in the program. This document must answer one of the
following questions.

a. Will the tenant receive an industry-recognized certificate or certification upon
completion of the program?

b. Will the tenant receive a license recognized by the State or Federal Government upon
completion of the program?

c. Will the tenant build a measurable skill(s) gain leading to a credential upon completion
of the program?

The following training programs are not included:

• Classes taken for academic credit in a high school, university, or community college setting.

• Classes taken fully online, such as but not limited to LinkedIn Learning courses, Metrix Learning
courses, and Coursera classes.

Program Eligibility Requirements:

•  The participant must be registered for the training program at the time they apply for the Workforce
      Rental Assistance Program.

  •  The participant’s household income must be 80% or below their Area Median Income (AMI).

  •  Participants must have a landlord willing to participate to receive UniteCT funds.

  •  Participant must be a tenant. Homeowners are not eligible. Subletters are not eligible.

  •  Tenants must be listed on the lease of the apartment.

  •  Household must be located in Connecticut.   •  Tenant assistance is conditional upon previous UniteCT support, and tenants will be deemed
      ineligible if they have received either $15,000 or 12 months of UniteCT rental assistance through
      past UniteCT programs.

The Application Process:

Step 1: Applicant must submit their information to the “Tenant Screening Tool” (see below).

If the tenant is eligible, they will proceed to Step 2-6.Step 2: Tenant will be emailed to confirm their eligibility.

Step 3: Tenant’s landlord will be emailed directions on how to submit their required documents. The required documents include government issued photo ID, all pages of the lease, signed W9, and signed program participation agreement.

Step 4: After the landlord has submitted their required documents, the tenant will be scheduled with an appointment with their Tenant Representative, who will help fill out the rest of their application by phone.

Step 5: After both parties have submitted the required documents, the case is reviewed and processed within 5-10 business days. If approved, the landlord will receive a check sent to the address listed on their W9.
                                      Tenant Screening Tool           
Important Documents

If you have any questions about the UniteCT Workforce Training Program, please call 1-844-864-8328. 

If the tenant is currently searching for a training program, below are some options for the tenant to start their search process:

•  CT Department of Labor: This comprehensive site offers a range of job seeker services, training programs, and other resources. 
Website: https://portal.ct.gov/dol/divisions/american-job-centers?language=en_US
Website: https://portal.ct.gov/dol/Job-Seekers?language=en_US 

•  Career ConneCT: A central portal for accessing various job training programs in Connecticut, providing opportunities for reskilling, upskilling, and connecting with training programs. 
Website: https://portal.ct.gov/careerconnect 

•  Connecticut Education & Training ConneCTion: This platform allows for searching a database to find suitable schools and job training programs, including online options. 
Website: https://www1.ctdol.state.ct.us/etc/ 

•  Regional Workforce Development Boards: These boards offer workforce development, job training, and employment opportunities across different regions of Connecticut. 
Website: https://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/rwdb/dir-rwdb.htm 
 Website: https://portal.ct.gov/dol/-/media/DOL/2022-New-Design-System/Divisions/WIOA/Map-of-CTs-Workforce-Development-Board-WDB-Areas.pdf

•  The WorkPlace is a dynamic organization in Connecticut offering a variety of workforce development programs. These programs cater to different demographics, including veterans, youth, and the unemployed, focusing on skill development, career counseling, and job placement services. 
Website: https://www.workplace.org/programs

Appeal Process:

Click here to appeal my decision for the UniteCT Workforce Assistance Program

To Learn More:
Click here to learn more about the UniteCT programs


  • Who is eligible?
    • Applicants must be a tenant in Connecticut. 

      • Homeowners are not eligible to receive this rental assistance.

    • Households must earn 80% of their town’s Area Median Income (AMI) or less to quality

    • A tenant must be listed on their lease, and their landlord must be willing to participate and accept the assistance on behalf of the tenant. 
  • How much assistance is available?
    • The maximum assistance available through the UniteCT Workforce Rental Assistance Program varies depending on how long the applicant’s training is, which can be up to $15,000 or 12 months of rental assistance.

  • How does a tenant fill out an application?
    • Landlords will be contacted once the tenant has been deemed eligible through the initial screening. Department of Housing staff will reach out to the email provided by the tenant in their eligibility screening. The landlord will need to provide a Program Participation Agreement, Signed W9, ID/Business License and a copy of the lease with all pages.
    • Applicant must fill out the Tenant Screening Tool in order to first be screened for eligibility. If the tenant is eligible, they will be emailed a link to complete the rest of their application.

  • What documents are required?
    • Applicants are required to submit an ID, 4 weeks of income for each adult occupant, lease, and Landlord Verification Form. 

      • If a tenant lives in a Qualified Census Tract (QCT), then they do not have to submit income documentation.

      • The landlord will need to provide a Program Participation Agreement, Signed W9, ID/Business License and a copy of the lease with all pages.

    • Tenants are required to submit an ID, confirmation of their training program, and a Landlord Verification Form (template above).
    • Landlords are required to submit an ID or business license, lease, signed W9, and signed participation agreement (template above).
  • How long are applications open?
    • Applications have been opened since June 2023. There is no current end date of the program.