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2021 CDBG Application

DOH has established an annual competitive round application process for CDBG funds. Communities seeking funding to implement their proposed community, housing and economic projects should be familiar with the Application Process.  

***Applications that require Plan and Specifications, please upload them as Exhibit 4.5.A.2 omitted from the Exhibits Checklist. 

Application Handbook

2021 CDBG Rating and Ranking 
2021 CDBG Residential Rehab Standards 

2021 CDBG Application Exhibits

000.1- GCA Cooperation Agreement 
000.2 - GALR Adopted Local Resolution
000.3 - GCOC General 3 AntiDisplacement
000.4 - GAC General 4 Application Certification
000.5 - GLA Local Assurances
000.6 - GRM General 6 Recipient Disclosure Form HUD 2880 
000.8 - GRM General 8 CDBG Project Responsibility Matrix
2.1 - Housing Waiting List
4.1.A - CDBG Financing Plan and Budget
4.2.A - Operating Funds and Rental Subsidies
4.2.B - Social Service Providers
4.4 - Site and Building Report 
4.4.A - Infrastructure Projects
4.4.B - Coordination and Approvals
4.5 - Construction Documents Status
4.5.A - Construction Specifications Certification
4.5.A.1 - CDBG Drawings and Specification Requirements 
4.5.B - CDBG Construction Cost Estimate
4.5.C - Project Budget
4.7.G - Replacement Value and Walk Away Certification
4.7.H - Rehab Standards Certification
4.7.I - Program Budget
4.8.C - Public Services Program Development Budget
4.9.1 - Projected Timeline Appendix
6.6 - ADA Notice
6.7 - ADA Grievance Procedure
6.8 and 6.10 Links
6.9 - Section 504 Self-Evaluation Questionnaire 

Fair Housing and Civil Rights Compliance Manual