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Housing Assistance - How to Apply
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program & State Rental Assistance Program (RAP)
The Department of Housing and its contractor John D’Amelia and Associates last opened the waiting lists to accept applications for both programs between June 18, 2007 and July 2, 2007.  48,000 applications were received from which initially 5,000 were selected for placement on the RAP waiting list and 7,000 were selected for placement on the Section 8 Program waiting list.  As of July 1, 2014, more than 1,410 remained on the HCV waiting list and nearly 1,410 remained on the RAP waiting list.
DOH does not anticipate opening the waiting list to accept applications for either program at this time, however you can register on the Housing Choice Voucher Program website to receive an email notification when any CT housing authority advertises the opening of their waiting list to accept new HCV applications.
As HCV is a federally funded initiative, and many housing authorities administer the HCV program, you can call the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in Hartford at (860) 240-4800 and ask for a copy of their booklet Looking for HUD-Associated Rental Housing in Connecticut.  A list of Connecticut Housing Authorities can be viewed by following this link. The Housing Authority list will identify those authorities that operate the HCV program.
There are four simple questions to ask any housing authority:
1) When do you expect your waiting list to open?

2) Do you have a residency preference or an initial residency requirement?

3) Do you ever grant waivers of those preferences or requirements?

4) How long a wait can I expect, if I get on the waiting list?
You don't have to live within a housing authority's jurisdiction to apply for its HCV program, but if the housing authority serves all those in its jurisdiction before it serves those living outside its jurisdiction, that will have an effect on your waiting time.
The HUD booklet also lists other types of subsidized housing, in addition to HCV.