Pet Bird or Poultry Importation Permit
- Connecticut destination: Complete name, street address (no PO boxes) and phone number;
- Origin information: Complete name of individual, originating flock, hatchery or aviary, street address, state, zip code and phone number; and
- Species, variety, type and number of each bird or hatching egg to be imported.
- Calling 860-713-2504 during business hours (M-F, 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.),
- Calling 860-713-2504 outside business hours and leaving a voice mail message, or
- Sending an email to with all the necessary information.
3. Connecticut Department of Agriculture staff will issue an import permit number over the phone or by email and then the Poultry and Live Bird Importation Permit form will be sent by U.S. mail to the buyer/importer or by email if an email address is provided.
4. The buyer/importer returns the completed, signed and dated Poultry and Live Bird Importation Permit form within 48 hours of receiving the birds or hatching eggs with the actual numbers of each species/variety/type of bird or hatching egg received and a copy of the health certificate or the NPIP VS 9-3 form that came with the birds or hatching eggs.
5. The buyer/importer returns the completed Poultry and Live Bird Importation Permit form and copies of the health certificate or NPIP VS 9-3 form by:
- Mail: Connecticut Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Regulatory Services
450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 702
Hartford, CT 06103 - Fax: 860-713-2515, or
- As an attachment to an email:
6. The buyer/importer must keep all imported birds and all imported hatching eggs segregated (in quarantine) from other birds and hatching eggs. The buyer/importer may not sell or comingle any imported birds or imported hatching eggs with other birds or hatching eggs until the quarantine is released by the Department. If the Poultry and Live Bird Importation Permit form and supplied health certificates or NPIP VS 9-3 forms are in order, the quarantine will be released by the Department.