Department of Agriculture Final Decisions
The final decisions of contested cases heard by the Department of Agriculture are published here are for the convenience of the public. While every effort is made to assure accuracy, the public is advised that only the original final decisions on file at the Department of Agriculture are official. In addition, pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, the Final Decisions posted on this website are public records and are, therefore, not private or confidential under law.To Contact the Department of Agriculture:
06052024-Sullivan Hank V. Darien Final Decision
06072024-Diamond V. Meriden Final Decision
20230130- King V. Canton FINAL DECISION
20220822- Unique, Remy, Blue V. Windsor FINAL DECISION
20220722- Charlie V. Enfield FINAL DECISION
20220228- Velcro V. Stafford Springs FINAL DECISION
20210728-Zeus and Isabella Brown V. Stamford FINAL DECISION
20210405-Hans-Groton V. Banales FINAL DECISION
20200121-Moxey-Ridgefield V. Blum FINAL DECISION
20201007-Albert-Milford V. Doyle FINAL DECISION
20201221-Dexter-Suffield V. Hornish FINAL DECISION
20190125-Vada-Plainfield V. Simmons FINAL DECISION
20190128-Molly-Southington V. Bouchard FINAL DECISION
20190128-Scarlett-Ellington V. Carlsen FINAL DECISION
20190322-Buster-East Haddam V. Morran
20190726-SABA Consent Order FINAL DECISION
20180314-Rocky-Portland V Bell FINAL DECISION
20180517-Bubba-Southington V Anderson
20180607-Peshi-New Haven V DeLucia FINAL DECISION
20180626-Calvin-Ridgefield V Werning FINAL DECISION
20180629-Spice-New Haven V Townsend FINAL DECISION
20180801-Max-Bristol V Arshe FINAL DECISION
20180928-Kaya-Hamden V Foley FINAL DECISION
20181001-Cyprus-Meriden V. Berube FINAL DECISION
20181012-Sissy-Bristol V. Gregory FINAL DECISION
20181025-Tennessee and Sandy Stamford V. Graham FINAL DECISION
20181228-Roscoe-East Haven V Winer FINAL DECISION
20181228-Sally-Waterford V Seefeldt FINAL DECISION
20170621-Zoe and Dozer-Burlington V. Byrne FINAL DECISION
20170627-Cheech-Torrington V. Petitt
20171208-Jack-Fairfield V. Kiyak FINAL DECISION
20160318-six dogs-Plainfield V Allen FINAL DECISION
20160618-Roxie-Torrington V Gough FINAL DECISION
20150122-Nino-Waterbury V. King FINAL DECISION
20150227-Coco-Prospect V. Topicu
20150507-Rico-Waterbury V. Rosa FINAL DECISION
20150805-Skyler and Dolly-Norwich V. Speer FINAL DECISION
20151104-Fokus-Stratford V. Tomaszewska FINAL DECISION
20151117-Roscoe-Southbury V. Edgar FINAL DECISION
20151117-Rose-Waterbury V. Lagnese FINAL DECISION
20151119-Julius-New Fairfield V. Kahn FINAL DECISION
20151209-Mir Mir and Nina-Hamden V. Bowden
20151209-Russell-Fairfield V. Santiago FINAL DECISION
20140501-Kato and Kleo-Hamden V. Miller FINAL DECISION
20140512-Rosco-West Haven V. Langello FINAL DECISION
20141208-Diesel-Torrington V. Morey and Groman FINAL DECISION
20130228-Stella Blue-Colchester V. Avery FINAL DECISION
20121019-Dominique-Windsor V. Smith FINAL DECISION