Add Your Farm to a Connecticut Grown Listing for Consumers
Best Management Practices Using Seeds Treated With Neonicotinoid Insecticides
Connecticut Agricultural Business Management Guide Connecticut Weekly Agricultural Report
Farmer's Guide to Processing and Selling Meat or Poultry in Connecticut
Farmers' Market Reference Guide - Updated May 2021
New Farmer Bucket List
Connecticut Apple Varieties and Their Uses
Connecticut State and Federal Agricultural Organizations - updated April 2018
Road Safety for Motor Vehicle Drivers and Equestrians
Conservation, Planning, and Land Classification
A Guide for Municipalities: Department of Agriculture Programs and Services for Municipalities
Conservation Options for Connecticut Farmland - updated May 2021
Farmland Needed - How Connecticut Can Help Farmers Access the Land They Need to Succeed
Planning for Agriculture: A Guide for Connecticut Municipalities - (2,828 KB, 72 page, .pdf) a publication of the American Farmland Trust and the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities, funded in part by a Farm Viability Grant for Municipalities/Public Act 05-228 - Impact of "An Act Concerning Farmland Preservation, Land Protection, Affordable Housing and Historic Preservation" on the CT Department of Agriculture (a report to the Legislature, January 2007) (2,369 KB, 50 page, .pdf).
Public Act 490: CONNECTICUT'S Current-Use Tax Law for Farmland, Forest Land, Open Space and Maritime Heritage Land - A Practical Guide and Overview for Landowners, Assessors, and Government , funded in part by the Connecticut Department of Agriculture through the Community Investment Act (P.A. 05-228). A publication of the Connecticut Farm Bureau. Updated 2015. (.pdf, 52 pages, 5,296 KB)
Zoning Regulations for Livestock: Best Practices. 2019 Edition. Guidance for Connecticut Municipalities. A publication of Connecticut Resource Conservation & Development Area. (.pdf, 44 pages, 1,330 KB)
"The Economic Contribution of the Connecticut Greenhouse Industry" - The Economic Contribution of the Connecticut Greenhouse Industry to the State Economy 2017-2020, A Report by Farm Credit East Business Consulting Group, Compiled by David Rifenburgh, September 2021. Funded by USDA AMS Specialty Crop Block Grant
"The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Connecticut's Dairy Industry" - (371 KB, 32 pg, .pdf) A joint report (Department of Economic Development, Department of Agriculture in cooperation with the University of Connecticut Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics) to the Environment and Energy and Technology Committees, January 2009.
"Economic Impacts of Connecticut's Agricultural Industry - Update 2015" - (.pdf, 31 pgs) A study which ascertains and documents the significance of agriculture and related industries to Connecticut’s economy.
Grow Connecticut Farms First Annual Report, by the Governor’s Council for Agricultural Development.
Milk Regulation Board Study of the Connecticut Milk Industry - Report to the Environment Committee, April 2006 - (504 KB, .pdf)