What We Do
Department personnel from the Milk Safety Program collect samples from bulk milk shipments to Connecticut's milk processing plants. These samples are tested for bacteria, antibiotics and butterfat content on a monthly basis at the premises of all licensed milk processors. We also monitor the equipment in milk processing plants to be sure it is operating and calibrated correctly so our milk is safe and wholesome.
The Agricultural Commodities Division collects samples and check for product registration throughout businesses in the state. Samples are analyzed for compliance with label claims. These samples of fertilizers, animal feeds and seed products are processed in the laboratory at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.
The Bureau of Inspection and Regulation has an Animal Control Division. The personnel in this Division are responsible for protecting public health and safety, control of animal diseases, enforcement of animal control and animal cruelty laws, investigation of injury, property damage and nuisance caused by dogs as well as support municipal officials in licensing and control of roaming dogs. The Division inspects pet shops, commercial kennels, grooming and training facilities for compliance with state law and conducts education programs to school, utility companies and civic groups.
The Bureau of Agricultural Development and Resource Preservation is responsible for the promotion of the CT Grown Program, assisting producers with direct marketing programs, farmland preservation efforts, disseminating general information on agriculture and releasing agricultural press releases. This is accomplished by administering and coordinating the Farmers' Market Program and Senior/WIC Coupon Program; CT Agricultural Directional Signage Program, Farm-to-School Program, Farm-to-Chef Program, FarmLink Program, a variety of producer and municipal grant programs, the CT Weekly Agricultural Report, agricultural commodity promotions, and the Farmland Preservation Program.
The Bureau of Aquacultureprovides for the planned development and coordination of aquaculture as an agricultural business through programs that will assure opportunities for the production of an abundant, safe and wholesome supply of farm raised aquatiac animals and plants. We do this through water quality testing, shellfish meat testing, shellfish habitat management and restoration.