Farmland Restoration, Climate Resiliency & Preparedness (RRP) Grant


All applications must be submitted by the deadline to be considered for funding, regardless of technical difficulties. All RRP Grant applications are required to be submitted through Cognito under either Group A or Group B.

View the Application

A complete application includes:

1. Your current land use and the future vision for your land. Describe your current use of the project area. Identify up to three (3) proposed projects or areas of interest. These are the activities that will increase the climate resiliency of your farmland. These projects can be applied to either land currently in use on your farm or land you wish to restore into agricultural production. Provide a detailed description but be aware that actual project activities may change after working with a Soil Scientist on your FRCR Plan. Describe your goals and the expected impact you are looking to achieve, i.e. additional acreage in production, reduced water usage, improved drainage or runoff patterns, or improved organic matter biodiversity.

2. Demonstrate your current commitment to climate smart agricultural practices.

  1. Tell us about your farm’s current climate smart practices.
  2. List workshops, trainings, certifications, or classes.
  3. Estimate the value of investments you have already made in climate smart practices.

3. Aerial maps of the project area.  Please include on this map a detailed sketch of the project, identifying what you hope to have done to the land.  The aerial maps can be obtained from Google maps or USDA, (please see page 12 for an example map and sketch)

4. Farmland Classification Soil(s) map of project area, showing prime, statewide important, and locally important soils  These can be obtained from NRCS or online at the Web Soil Survey (please see page 12 for an example Farmland Classification Soils Map and an instruction guide for using Web Soil Survey)

5. Pictures of the project area as it currently exists, prior to the project being completed.  

6. If applicable – an approval letter from the easement holder for approval of the projectA template for the approval letter can be found on the Farmland Restoration Grant webpage at

7. If applicable – A statement from the landowner for approval of the project for projects on rented or leased landA template for the approval letter can be found on the Farmland Restoration Grant webpage at

8. If applicable – an approved copy of an NRCS Conservation Plan or Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan.

View the Application

A complete application contains the following. All needed forms and attachments can be found in the Documents/Forms section.