Bats Count!

Observe a livestream of a big brown bat colony at White Memorial Conservation Center through the Bats Count! Bat Cam and help us count the bats! Listen to a SciStarter Podcast where bat biologists talk about the Bats Count! Bat Cam.
Bats Count Logo

The CT DEEP Wildlife Division and White Memorial Conservation Center in Litchfield have established a "Bat Cam" in a barn at White Memorial where female big brown bats give birth to and raise their young every year. The four cameras provide a sneak peek into the amazing life of bats without disturbing them. The best part about this project is that you and your family and friends can help us learn more about the bats by using the livestream to monitor the activity of the bat maternity colony.

The Bat Cams were officially launched at a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony in June 2023. Now the fun and learning begin! We are inviting everyone to watch the livestream from the cameras and help us count the bats as they emerge from the barn each night. 

A Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held on June 16 at the White Memorial Conservation Center.

People watching bats emerge from a barn at White Memorial Conservation Center.

Arts and crafts, live music, chili dogs, and BATS?! What else can one ask for?

Special thanks to everyone who made it out to see the bats as part of the “Bats Count!” ribbon cutting ceremony at the White Memorial Conservation Center in Litchfield!

The “bat cams” are now LIVE, and you can check in whenever you’d like for a chance to get an up close and personal look at a big brown bat colony!


Endangered Species/Wildlife Income Tax Check-off logo

The “Bat Cam” project is being partially funded through the Endangered Species, Natural Area Preserves, and Watchable Wildlife Fund (listed as “Endangered Species/Wildlife” on your tax form) to provide a watchable wildlife opportunity. Find out how you can donate and learn more about projects supported by this Fund.


Batty About Bats

Connecticut is home to nine different bat species – three of them are considered tree bats and the rest are called “cave” bats because they hibernate during the winter, often in caves or mines. Cave bats have been impacted by white-nose syndrome (WNS), a fungus that has reduced many of our once abundant species to the point where all but one – the big brown bat – have been listed as state endangered and two are also protected under the federal endangered species act. Although the big brown bat remains common in our state, it is still listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the Connecticut Wildlife Action Plan and remains a focus of monitoring and conservation planning. The Bats Count! Bat Cam is one monitoring tool that will give biologists a window into the life and activities of an active big brown bat maternity colony, while also providing the opportunity for students and others to follow along and learn about this amazing species.


"Hanging" with Bats

There is so much to learn about bats and how you can help them. Check out the following resources for interesting natural history information, how to build a bat house, descriptions of Wildlife Division research and monitoring efforts, and so much more.

DEEP's Bat Program

Bat Fact Sheet (includes plans on how to build a bat house) (PDF version)

Living with Bats (advice if you have bats living in your house or outbuildings)

Teaching About Bats (A resource for educators and parents to teach children about bats)

White-nose Syndrome Response Team

Bat Week, an annual, international celebration of the role of bats in nature (October 24-31)

Bat Conservation International, an international nongovernmental organization working to conserve the world's bats and their habitats through conservation, education, and research efforts.


Bat-tastic Activities for Kids and Families

Learn about bat houses and get tips on installing a bat house in your yard from this video posted on the CT Fish and Wildlife Facebook page.

Batty About Bats webpage

Bat Bingo: Families can try to make a "bingo" with this fun activity about bats!

Learn about echolocation while playing the Bat and Moth Game.

Just for Kids Activity and Coloring Page

Creature Crafts: Toilet Paper Tube Bat (YouTube video) -- Rhode Island Division of Fish and Wildlife outreach staff member Gabby DeMeillon shares some info about bat conservation and demonstrates how to make a simple bat craft out of a toilet paper tube! 

7 Best Recipes for Appreciating Bats! Bats, especially many found in deserts and the Tropics, are important pollinators. Here are 7 recipes (plus one just for adults) using bat-pollinated plants. The bat-pollinated food is shown in italics.

Content last updated in February 2025.