Submit Listed Species Observations via Survey123 to the CT NDDB

A new online submission form (CT NDDB Observations Survey123) has been developed for submitting state-listed species observations AND any survey effort for state-listed species. If you are conducting surveys that target state-listed species, REGARDLESS of whether you actually observed the species, your work is important to document. This will allow the Natural Diversity Data Base (NDDB) to track survey efforts for state-listed species, as well as actual observations of state-listed species.

Who should submit?

Anyone who has a significant observation of a state-listed species in a location that is viable, and anyone who was required to conduct a survey for state-listed species as part of their NDDB Determination Letter. * Be sure to have your NDDB Filing ID (preferred) or determination number on hand when you enter data. This includes determinations where applicants were asked to “sweep for animals before use” of heavy equipment.

What is a “significant” observation?

A significant observation is when the listed species was observed in a location that has practical conservation value. The location should have suitable habitat for the species. We are most interested in observations that include the species’ required habitat features, such as roosting sites, nesting/denning sites, vernal pools, etc. We cannot use “fly-over” sightings for birds, but welcome records of nesting, roosting, or territorial behavior by state-listed birds. For reptiles and amphibians crossing roads, suitable habitat should be within range of the observation and detail should be provided in the general comments.

How do I submit?

You can now use our CT NDDB Observations Survey123. This link will give you an option to use an online form or download the ArcGIS Survey123 app.

More detailed instructions are available on how to use the Survey123 app on your phone or computer, keep track of your entries, and use some of the extra functionality that is available on the phone app.

I have my own shapefiles/database for my survey effort that are more accurate than this online tool, how do I submit them?

Contact and tell us more about your specific dataset. We will be in touch to coordinate.

Tips for Entering Data

Which “User Type” do I select?

Incidental Observation – Select this if you just happened to come upon an observation of a state-listed species, but you were not actually “surveying” for it.

Environmental Review (NDDB) Survey Report – Select this if you are reporting your survey effort that was required by your NDDB Determination. This is used for full survey efforts. If you are just conducting a daily animal sweep, submit as “Animal Sweep” instead.

Inventory and Monitoring Survey Effort – Select if you are conducting inventory and monitoring for a species and it is not associated with required surveys for environmental review. You can summarize across a full season, or you can enter data live while you are in the field.

Scientific Collectors Permit Report – Select if you are reporting your summary of listed species observations that you recorded as part of your scientific collection permit. Only use this category if your submission does not apply to anything else. If you are doing Inventory and Monitoring or an Environmental Review Survey, please select those user types.

Animal Sweep – This selection simplifies the online form. Have your NDDB filling number handy. Select if you are reporting your animal sweep effort in natural habitat that was required before project activity. Once habitat conversion has occurred, or fencing has been erected, you do not need to report your animal sweeps that do not record species.

If I enter my data as a “user type” in Inventory and Monitoring Effort or NDDB Survey Report, do I also need to enter it in Scientific Collectors Permit?

No. Please only enter data once. Include your scientific collectors permit where prompted. You may also write in general comments if your survey effort applies to multiple categories.

Information to have handy when filling out the form that helps us use your data:

NDDB filing number – if applicable

Scientific collectors permit number – if applicable

Position or Location Accuracy – This will be estimated by your phone if you are entering the observation on site. However, if you are entering information later back at a computer, this can be estimated from your GPS accuracy or simply estimated by your placement of your observation point, polygon, or line on the map. Were you within 10 meters of this spot? Were you a half mile from this spot? If you are not sure of your location, explore online mapping sources or revisit the location with your phone to enter your record with accuracy.

Survey Effort (total time) – This is requested in minutes. So, if you spent an hour, please convert to 60 minutes.

Condition of the Element – This information is not required, but it is very helpful to us when we are mapping your observation. Your site visit may be able to assess whether the health of the species and site are “viable” moving forward.

Key Habitat Features (check box) – This information helps us to quickly identify critical features that may be important for the viability of the site. If you do not see your key feature listed, indicate it as “Other” and include it in the general comments.

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Content last updated in March 2024.