Municipal Information
New! Aquifer Protection Area Registered Facilities Employee Training Presentation - The purpose of this resource is to provide managers of registered facilities guidance to train and educate their employees about the Aquifer Protection Area Program. The presentation provides basic information about the science and regulatory importance of the Aquifer Protection Area Program with the intent that the presenter will inset additional information as it relates to the facility.
Connecticut's Aquifer Protection Area Program Municipal Manual 2011 - This manual provides Connecticut's Municipal Aquifer Protection Agencies with comprehensive technical guidance and reference materials needed to regulate aquifer protection areas.
Connecticut's Aquifer Protection Area Program Municipal Manual 2011 - This manual provides Connecticut's Municipal Aquifer Protection Agencies with comprehensive technical guidance and reference materials needed to regulate aquifer protection areas.

Municipalities play an important role in the aquifer protection area program. Implementation at the local level involves:
- appointing an existing commission to act as the Aquifer Protection Agency
delineating the aquifer protection area boundary on the town zoning map, once Level A mapping is completed by the water company and approved by DEEP
identifying and inventorying potentially regulated activities in the area
adopting local aquifer protection area regulations consistent with state regulations
registering regulated businesses and facilities within the aquifer protection area
educating the public about the importance of protecting groundwater
For a list of local contacts, see the Aquifer Protection Agent Directory.
Update the contact information for your authorized Municipal Aquifer Protection Agency - Word Form | PDF
To help municipalities implement the aquifer protection area program, the DEEP has developed model regulations, guidance and forms that are listed below:
Appointing the Aquifer Protection Agency
Delineating the Aquifer Protection Area Boundary
Guidance for Delineation of Aquifer Protection Area Boundaries (includes flowchart)
GIS shapefiles of aquifer protection areas (available for download)
Identifying and Inventorying Regulated Activities
Adopting Local Aquifer Protection Area Regulations
Guidance for Adoption of Municipal Regulations (includes flowchart)
Regulating Businesses and Facilities (Local) Registrations:
- Determining Regulatory Status Form
- Initial Program Notice to Businesses
- Notice of Potential Registration to Businesses
- Model Municipal Registration Form and Instructions
- Registration Processing Flowchart
- Registration Acknowledgement Form
- Letter of Incompleteness
- Registration Cover Letter
- Registration Certificate
- Registrations - Technical Guidance
- Decision Trees
Special note regarding registrations:
The information provided on the registration form is very important and should be complete.
To see a good example of a completed registration form see SAF-T Auto's registration form for the Town of Cheshire.
- Model Municipal Permit Form and Instructions
- Permit Processing Flowchart
- Permit Acknowledgement Form
- Letter of Incompleteness
- Permit Cover Letter
- Permit
Conducting Site Inspections:
Site inspections are conducted to ensure compliance with the Aquifer Protection Area Program's Best Management Practices (BMPs). The Aquifer Protection Agency Member or Agent should contact the landowner, permittee, or his or her agent to request permission to inspect the property before conducting a site inspection. It is important to remember that there are legal imitations on entry to property. Without permission from the landowner, a municipal official does not have authority to conduct an inspection on the landowner's property. Note, however, that the Aquifer Protection Area Registration and Permit Applications have standard language which gives permission to the agency or its duly authorized agent to make regular inspections of the facility and associated property, except a private residence, at reasonable hours.
Some good examples of inspection forms and reports include:
- BMP Compliance Form, Norwalk Aquifer Protection Agency
- Inspection Report for Davidson Chevrolet, Canton, CT
- Inspection Report for JZ Truck, Canton, CT
- Follow-up Inspection Report for JZ Truck, Canton, CT
Other Forms:
- A Model Form for Developing a Materials Management Plan
- Instructions for Developing a Stormwater Management Plan
- Aquifer Protection Stormwater Management Plan Supplement
- Considerations for Requiring a MMP
- Considerations for Requiring a SWMP
- Environmental Compliance Form and Instructions
Sending copies of registrations: (Electronic submittals are preferred.)
Regulated businesses are required to send a copy of the registration form to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP), the Connecticut Department of Public Health (CT DPH), and any affected water company.
The addresses for CT DEEP and CT DPH are below:
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Aquifer Protection Area Program
Bureau of Water Protection and Land Reuse
Water Planning and Management Division
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
Connecticut Department of Public Health
Drinking Water Section
Drinking Water Section
410 Capitol Avenue, MS#12DWS
Hartford, CT 06134
Hartford, CT 06134
For the list of water company contacts that should receive a copy of the registration, see the water company contact list.
Regulating Businesses and Facilities (State)
Educating the Public about the Aquifer Protection Area Program
- Aquifer Protection Program Fact Sheet (Updated 2/7/2014)
- Table of Principal Groundwater Contaminants
- Protecting Connecticut's Groundwater - A Guide for Local Officials
Water Companies and Municipal Assistance Program
Water Companies serving 10,000 or more are required to develop a "Municipal Assistance Program" and make it available to the municipalities they serve. The program will include a site plan review, an evaluation of risk, and advice on spill management. DEEP is working with the American Water Works Association (Connecticut Section), Source Water Protection Committee (SWPC) to accomplish this task. (See Municipal Assistance Program.)
Interim Protection Measures
Towns, with preliminary Level B mapping, may take interim actions to protect future Aquifer Protection Areas before final Level A mapping is completed and local regulations are implemented. DEEP encourages towns to examine the preliminary mapped areas and take reasonable interim actions to improve protection of these areas. (See Interim Protection Guidance.)
Protecting Future Sources
Municipalities may be interested in protecting groundwater for future source use. A new map is now available. The Surficial Aquifer Potential Map of Connecticut has been prepared by the Connecticut Geological Survey for statewide resource protection, water management, non-point source pollution prevention, and land use planning. The map identifies areas with greater potential for ground water supply based upon the texture and thickness of surficial aquifer deposits. (See Surficial Aquifer Potential Map.)
DEEP Contact Information:
If you have questions regarding program implementation or for further information on the program, please contact Kim Czapla at (860) 424-3335 or
Aquifer Protection Area Program
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water Protection and Land Reuse
Water Planning and Management Division
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
Content last updated July 31, 2024.