Archived SIPRAC Meeting Materials
Select a year below or browse the materials by scrolling down. 2024 | 2023| 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 |2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 20102024
Presentation and other meeting materials: EPAs Response to DEEPs Exceptional Event Demonstration, EPAs Ozone Reclassification for SW CT Greater CT Ozone Nonattainment Areas, Clean Cities Update, Capitol Clean Cities Update
Presentation and other meeting materials: 20by26 Overview, 2023 Ozone Season Review and 2024 Preview, Clean Cities Update, 2023 Title V Emissions Update, Grants Update
Presentation and other meeting materials: Update on CT Environmental Justice Law, EPA Exceptional Events and DEEP Planning Efforts, Clean Cities Update, Air Regulatory Updates, SIP Revisions for 2008 Ozone NAAQs
Presentation and other meeting materials: Addressing Connecticut's Ozone Attainment Challenges, Clean Cities Update, Air & Radiation Regulatory Updates
Presentation and other meeting materials: 2023 Ozone Season Summary & Review of Recent Wildfire Smoke Event, Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG), Clean Cities Update, EPA Clean School Bus Rebates, Air Regs in Process
Presentation and other meeting materials: Update on EPA Air Programs, Clean Cities Update
Presentation and other meeting materials: Georgetown Climate Center - Air Quality Monitoring Workgroup Overview, Clean Cities Update, CHEAPR LMI Update, Current & Upcoming Regulatory Changes, Ozone Season Preview
Presentation and other meeting materials: Update on Recent EPA Actions – PM2.5 NAAQS and Good Neighbor SIP Denials, 2022 Emissions Reporting, Clean Cities Update, SIP Revision Updates and RCSA Sections 22e & 22f and Section 1, RCSA Sections 33a & b Reporting
OctoberPresentation and other meeting materials: EPA’s Ozone Reclassification for CT Under 2008 & 2015 NAAQS, 2022 Ozone Season Wrap-up, Clean Cities Update, VW R1 EVSE Update, 2022 DERA Solicitation, Air Regs in Process
Presentation and other meeting materials: Public Act 22-25 – An Act Concerning the Connecticut Clean Air Act, 2022 Air Monitoring Network Plan, Clean Cities Update, Title V Fee Billing Update, R.C.S.A. section 22a-174-4 Update, Ozone exceedance overview
Presentation and other meeting materials: EPA’s Ozone Reclassification for SW CT, 2021 Ozone Season Review and 2022 Forecasting Preview, Good Neighbor Transport FIP NPRM, Overview of MHD Assessment, Clean Cities Update, Air Regs in Process Update, Listing of 1-BP as a HAP, NESHAP Subpart YYYY
Presentation and other meeting materials: Implications of EPA Rulemaking on Adding 1-bromopropane (1-BP) to the list of HAPs, 2021 Emissions Reporting, Clean Cities Update, RCSA Section 4 Update
OctoberPresentation and other meeting materials: 2021 Ozone Summary, Clean Cities Update, RCSA Sections 22-174-33a and -33b Reporting, EPA School Bus Grants, EMIT Reporting & Emission Factors, NOx RACT Discussion Proposal
Presentation and other meeting materials: Review of Recent Wildfire Smoke Event Impacting CT, VW NOx Mitigation Grant Program, Clean Cities Update, CHEAPR - New Program Updates
Presentation and other meeting materials: Connecticut’s 2021 Ambient Monitoring Network Plan, 2020 Title V Fee Update, Recent Ozone Exceedances, Update on Electric Vehicle Incentive Programs (CHEAPR)
Presentation and other meeting materials: EPA Updates, 2020 Ozone Season Review and Reminders, Clean Cities Update
Presentation and other meeting materials: VW & DERA Update, CT Clean Cities Collaborative, NACAA Priorities, Transition from GPLPE to Permit-by-Rule, DEEP Air Reporting Information
DecemberPresentation and other meeting materials: 2020 Ozone Season Summary, Revised Cross-State Air Pollution Rule for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS, Clean Cities Update, 2021 Air Bureau Regulatory Priorities, Regional Haze SIP for the Second Implementation Period (2018 - 2028), Formation of Work Group for Medium & Heavy Duty ZEV MOU
Presentation and other meeting materials: Air Virtual Inspections, Overview of Medium & Heavy Duty Zero Emission Vehicle Multi-state MOU, Notice of Intent to Amend RCSA Sections 22a-174-1 and 22a-174-3a, Notice of Intent to Revise RACT SIP, GPLPE Permit by Rule Update, 2020 Ozone Levels Update
Presentation and other meeting materials: Connecticut’s Network Assessment and the Air Monitoring Network, Clean Cities Update, General Permit to Limit Potential Emissions Update, Regional Haze SIP and SWCT Ozone Attainment, and Air Bureau Informational Video Series.
Presentation and other meeting materials: EPA Rules Update, Ozone Season Reminders, COVID-19 Updates, Clean Cities Updates, and EPA's Proposed Clean Data Determination of Greater Connecticut.
Presentations and other meeting materials: Overview of Autonomous Vehicles' Potential to Reduce GHG Emissions, Automated Vehicles Must be Electric Vehicles, DERA Update, Clean Cities Update and Federal Register Updates: Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making, Heavy-Duty Engine Standards, Proposed Approval of New York's RACT for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS, Notice of Memorandum of Agreement for Delegation of Authority: Connecticut NSPS and NESHAPS, Notice of Data Availability- Allocations of Cross-State Air Pollution Rule Allowances From new unit Set-Asides for 2019 Control Periods and Notice of Data Availability- Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks 1990-2018.
Presentations and other meeting materials: VW & DERA Update, Analysis of Western Connecticut Clean Air Action Monitoring Data, Ozone Season Summary, SIPRAC Survey Review, Clean Cities Update, GPLPE to Rule Update, Mandatory E-Reporting for Title V and NESCAUM Comments on Ozone and PM NAAQS Reviews.
Presentations and other meeting materials: 20 by 20 Initiative, Volunteer Airport Low Emissions Program and Grant Brief, Diesel Emissions Reductions Grant Update, Clean Cities Update, 2008 Ozone Standard Reclassification, and Updates to RCSA section 22a-174-22e.
Presentations and other meeting materials: VW NOx Mitigation Grant Update: Round 2 Launch, Greenbank Opportunities, 2019 Air Legislation Summary, Source Emissions Monitoring Forms Reminders, and Ozone Transport Commission Activity Update.
Presentations and other meeting materials: RGGI Proposed Revisions to 22a-174-31, Emergency Engine Restrictions and Air Quality Forecasts, 2019 Air Monitoring Network Plan, and 2018 Title V Fee Update
Presentations and other meeting materials :EPA Annual Update, Demonstration- Opacity Compliance System, SEMs Forms and Guidelines Update, and Update Section 33a and 33b Revisions
Presentations and other meeting materials: Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA): Awards & Opportunities, and SIPRAC Survey Results
Presentations and other meeting materials : EMIT Update/Emissions Reporting Notice, SEMS FTP and Forms Update, and SIPRAC Review Survey
Presentations and other meeting materials: Proposed Regulations: RCSA Sections 22-174-33a and -33b (RE: GPLPE), Volkswagen Settlement - Grant Program Update, and SIPRAC Format Update
Presentations and other meeting materials: Proposed Implementation of RGGI Program Review and Air Quality Planning Update
Presentations and other meeting materials: Summary of 2018 Ozone Season, Monitoring Network Plan, Pre-Application Law: What it means for Air Permits. and Emit Upgrade Update
Presentations and other meeting materials: Summary of National Ambient Air Quality Standards Review, Low Emissions Vehicle Program Greenhouse Gas Regulatory Update, VW Nox Mitigation Program: Round 1 Update, Regulatory Update- Proposed Revisions to Sections 1 and 3a, Regulatory Update- Proposed Revisions to Sections 2a and 3a and Clarifications to Title V Minor and Non-Minor Modifications
Presentations and other meeting materials: Revised Ambient Impact Analysis Guideline and Title V Fee Update
Presentations and other meeting materials: EPA Air Program Updates,VW Grant Program Update, EPA Comments Regarding Updated SEMS Forms and Guidance and Additional EPA Comments Regarding Updated SEMS Forms and Guidance
Presentations and other meeting materials: Update on Transport, Withdrawal of the Once in Always in Policy, Draft Regulatory Revisions Regarding Definitions of Emergency Engines, Update Regarding SEMs Forms Compliance Certification Form CEMS RATA Results- Draft, Compliance Certification Form for Test Results- Draft, ITT Forms for Visibile Emissions Testing-Draft, ITT Forms for Compliance Emissions Testion- Draft ITT Forms for CEMS RATA- Draft and SEM Guidlines- Draft 2
Presentations and other meeting materials: Operational Fuel Security Analysis, Presentation, Operational Fuel Security Analysis, Full Report, Executive Order 59/ June Special Session Public Act 17-3 ,Update: RCSA Section 22a-174-18 Update: SEMS Lean Forms
Presentations and other meeting materials: 2017 Title V Emission Statement Report Cycle Summary Title V Reporting Survey Results, EPA's Designations for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS and SEM's New Intent to Text Forms & Guidelines
Presentations and other meeting materials:EPA Modeling- EPA Study Regarding On-Road Sources, EPA Modeling- Transport Update (PowerPoint .pptx) and EPA Modeling- Preliminary 2028 Regional Haze
Presentations and other meeting materials: Update- Connecticut Initiatives on Interstate Air Pollution and Other EPA Actions and Update- Connecticut Mobile Initiatives
Presentations and other meeting materials: Navigating eRegs and 2017 Ozone Season Summary(PowerPoint .pptx)
Presentations and other meeting materials: 2017 Connecticut Energy Strategy, Source Emissions Monitoring- LEANed New Procedures, Draft- Compliance Certification Form for RATA Results, Draft- Complicance Certification Form for Test Results, Draft- ITT form for CEMS RATA, Draft- ITT Form for Compliance Emissions Testing and Draft SEM Guidelines Version 2.0
Presentations and other meeting materials: Overview on Policy Incentives for Self-Policing and Overview of Technical Analyses for the 2018 Regional Haze Planning Period
Presentations and other meeting materials: Connecticut's Attainment Demonstration for Southwest Connecticut and Overview of May 2017 Multi-Day Ozone Event
Presentations and other meeting materials: Emerging Research on Low-Cost Solar Energy Harvesting for Photocatalytic Pollution Treatment and Solar Cells, Connecticut's Draft 2017 Annual Air Monitoring Network Plan and Exceptional Event Update
Presentations and other meeting materials: Update on EPA Rule Making
Presentations and other meeting materials: I-84 Hartford Project: Environmental Review Process, A Case Study and Experiences Complying with EPA's Area Source RICE MACT and 2016 Air Enforcement Statistics
Presentations and other meeting materials: Predicting Weather and Air Quality, Update on Volkswagen Partial Concent Decree and Update on Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle Petition
Presentations and other meeting materials:2016 Exceptional Event Update, Proposed Greater Connecticut Attainment Demonstration, 2015 Ozone NAAQS Updates and Proposed Regulation Revisions
Presentations and other meeting materials: Boiler MACT Update, MWC Landfill NSPS and Multi-State EV Shopping Experience Study
Presentations and other meeting materials: Ozone Season Update, Proposed Amendments to Consumer Products, Architectural, Industrial and maintenance (AIM) Coatings and Prevention of significant Deterioration (PSD) Programs, AIM and Consumer Products Handout and AIM and Consumer Products FAQ
Presentations and other meeting materials: Clean Power Plan and Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Update, Overview of Proposed US DOJ Settlement on VW “Clean Diesels” and Proposed CP and AIM Coatings Regulation
Presentations and other meeting materials: Idling is “Fuelish,” What’s Connecticut Doing to Curb It? and Overview of May 2016 Multi-Day Ozone Event (power point)
Presentations and other meeting materials: Communicating Air Quality Alerts to the Public(power point) and Connecticut’s Draft 2016 Annual Air Monitoring Network Plan
Presentations and other meeting materials: EPA Rules Update.
Presentations and other meeting materials: Major Source Boiler and Aerospace MACT Update, Connecticut's Electronic Regulatory Portal, and EPA Response to Gas Curtailment Notification Question
Presentations and other meeting materials: EPA White Paper for Streamlined Development of Part 70 Permit Applications and 2015 Emission Statement Reporting Cycle
Presentations and other meeting materials: CT's Climate Planning Efforts and the Clean Power Plan and RGGI Program Review
Presentations and other meeting materials: EPA’s Rules for Sewage Sludge Incineration Units,General Permit to Limit Potential to Emit from Stationary Sources and Electric Vehicle and Charger Public Fleets Grant Opportunity
Presentations and other meeting materials: Overview of EPA's Revised Ozone NAAQS, 2015 Ozone Season Wrap Up, Draft GPLPE Form and Draft GPLPE Form instructions
Presentations and other meeting materials: Revision to the Guideline on Air Quality Models, Stationary Source Regulatory Updates and EPA's Proposed Action for Marginal Ozone Nonattainment Areas (2008 NAAQS)
Presentations and other meeting materials: 2008 Ozone Bump-Up, GPLPE Notice Tentative Determination, GPLPE Overview Presentation, GPLPE Proposed Tentaive Determination, Hydrogen Refeuling Infrastructure Grants, Preliminary Ozone Season Forecasting Summary, RCSA Section 22 Updates, Jun 13, 1989 EPA Guidance on Limiting Potential to Emit (PTE), August 27, 1996 EPA Transition Policy and Extensions: Extension 1, Extension 2, Extension 3 and the Jan 25, 1995 EPA Options for Limiting PTE under 112 and Title V.
Presentations and other meeting materials: Proposed Good Neighbor Ozone SIP, Proposed 2015 Air Monitoring Network Plan, and Overview of Boiler and RICE Modules On-line Training
Presentations and other meeting materials: Update on EPA Rule Making
Presentations and other meeting materials: ISO New England Overview and Regional Update, CAIR Letter and Regulatory Updates
Presentations and other meeting materials: Draft Integrated Resource Plan
Presentations and other meeting materials: CT Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaption (CIRCA), Overview of Connecticut's Comments on EPA's Clean Power Plan, Announced Revision to Ozone Standard- Implications for Connecticut, EPA Webinar for the Proposed Ozone Standard, Section 38 Update, Section 22 "The Next Generation" Update
Presentations and other meeting materials: EVConnecticut EV Charging Station Incentive Programs and CSAPR Stay Lifted - Implications for Connecticut Sources
Presentations and other meeting materials:Connecticut Green Bank, 2014 Ozone Season Overview, Regulatory Update- R.C.S.A Section 22a-174-22 and Regulatory Update- R.C.S.A Section 22a-174-38
Presentations and other meeting materials: Transportation Planning in Connecticut, 2014 Initial Ozone Season Overview, 2012 PM2.5 Designations and MOVES2014 Update
Presentations and other meeting materials:Electric Vehicle (EV) Fast Charger Statewide Deployment and Operation
Presentations and other meeting materials: 2014 Legislative Update, Winter PM2.5 Exceedance Analysis, Ozone SIP Call and Title V Fees Update
Presentations and other meeting materials: 2014 Update on EPA Rule Making, Electric Vehicle See and Drive Event and DRAFT Connecticut 2014 Annual Air Monitoring Network Plan
Presentations and other meeting materials: Draft Zero Emission Vehicle Action Plan
Presentations and other meeting materials: Overview of Analytical Framework for RACT Analysis Required by Clean Air sections 182(f) and 184(b) and 2013 Annual Emissions Statement Reporting
Presentations and other meeting materials: EV Charging Infrastructure Incentive Program, Petition to EPA to Expand the Ozone Transport Region, RGGI Regulation Revision, Small Sources at a Title V Premises, Title V Permit Application, Title V Attachment A and Title V Application Instructions
Presentations and other meeting materials: Designation Recommendations for the 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS, Carbon Pollution Standards for New Power Plants and Proposals to Develop Standards for Existing Power Plants
Presentations and other meeting materials: Overview of 2013 Ozone Season and Overview of Proposed Revisions to Fuel Sulfur Regulations (R.C.S.A. 22a-174-19, 19a and 19b)
Presentations and other meeting materials: RGGI Briefing, EV Connecticut: Why Workplaces Should Install EV Charging Infrastructure
Presentations and other meeting materials: 2013 Legislative Overview, 2013 Air Monitoring Network Plan Update, Intent to Test Application Form Revision and Proposed Intent to Test Application Forms
Presentations and other meeting materials: 2013 Air Monitoring Network Plan, ERTAC EGU Forecasting Tool and SIPRAC LEAN update
Presentations and other meeting materials: EPA Rule Making Update 2013
Presentations and other meeting materials:Air Permit Amnesty Program for K-12 Schools and 2013 Legislative Overview
Presentations and other meeting materials: Air Toxics Standards for Major and Area Boiler Sources, RICE NESHAPS and NSPS Amendments and Section 22 Amendments-Control of Nitrogen Oxides
Presentations and other meeting materials:EPA Boiler MACT and Portland Cement Manufacturing Webinars, Implementation of the Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS in Connecticut, Proposed Fuel Sulfur Rule Revision, Fuel Sulfur Fact Sheet, Low/Zero Emission Vehicles and Next Steps, Revised NAAQS for PM2.5, 2012 Annual Emission Statement Reporting and New NSR Permit Application Forms
Presentations and other meeting materials: Connecticut's Comprehensive Energy Strategy, Draft BACT Determination Forms and Application Review Meeting & Sufficiency Review Process
Presentations and other meeting materials:Connecticut 2012 Ozone Season Wrap Up and Air Quality Challenges and Opportunities in the Peoples Republic of China
Presentations and other meeting materials:Overview of EME Homer City v. EPA (August 21,2012 CSPAR ruling) a Perspective from a Member of the Connecticut Environmental Bar and Potential Impacts of EME Homer City v. EPA on Connecticut Air Quality Plans
Presentations and other meeting materials:Freight Movement and Air Quality, Freight Movement Draft Report (7-30-12), CT report Technical Support Doc. (8-1-12) and Air Permitting On-Line Radius Search
Presentations and other meeting materials: 40th Anniversary Lecture Series on How 21st Century Atmospheric Science Affects Public Policy
Presentations and other meeting materials: Climate Change Adaptation Efforts, 2012 Legislative Overview, 2012 Air Network Monitoring Plan and Overview of EPA's Proposed Greenhouse Gas New Source Performance Standards
Presentations and other meeting materials: Draft Revisions to Section 22a-174-20(a), Assessment of Potential Health Risks of VOC's from Synthetic Turf,2012 Ozone Season and Control of VOC Emissions from Above Ground Storage Tanks
Presentations and other meeting materials: CHP Rule Presentation, Draft CHP Regulation: Section 22a-174-3d and Draft Amendments to Section 22a-174-22
Presentations and other meeting materials: UTC Environmental Sustainability
Presentations and other meeting materials: DEEP Transformation: Building the Model 21st Century Energy and Environmental Protection, Regulatory Update: Sewage Sludge Incinerator Emissions Guidelines and Boiler MACT Compliance Issues
Presentations and other meeting materials: Benefits and Costs of Tier 3 Low Sulfur Gasoline Program, Update on EPA Rulemaking, Regulatory Update concerning Section 22a-174-22 and List of Sources for 1-Hour SO2 NAAQS SIP Modeling
Presentations and other meeting materials: CT Stage 2 Vapor Recovery, California Clean Cars Update, Draft Report: Analysis of Future Options for Connecticut's Gasoline Dispensing Facility Vapor Control Program, Major & Area Source Boilers and Title V Emission Reporting
Presentations and other meeting materials: Agency's Assistance Programs and Status Updates: EMIT & Title V and GPLE Complaince Reporting
Presentations and other meeting materials: 2011 Ozone Season, CSAPR Replacement, Regulatory Revisions and EPA's National Air Enforcement Strategies
Presentations and other meeting materials: Post CAIR Strategies, SO2 SIP Modeling Efforts, EPA SO2 Guidance Memo and CT 2011 Ozone Mid-Season Summary
Presentations and other meeting materials: Cross State Air Pollution Rule, NESHAPS for Area Sources, 68 Area Source Categories, RICE NESHAP - Staying in Compliance, NOx Compliance Plans Requirements Update andPotential to Emit for MACT Standards -Timing Guidance
Presentations and other meeting materials: Draft - Connecticut 2011 Annual Air Monitoring Network Plan, Air Enforcement Trends - 2008 to 2010, Environmental Justice: Integrating EJ into Air Permits and Federal Requirements for Equipment Start-up Notification and Emissions Testing
Presentations and other meeting materials: Air Permitting’s 90-DAY AGENDA, Improved Title V Inspection Process and GHG Reduction Strategies for Connecticut
Revised Agenda
Presentations and other meeting materials: Air Policy Direction, LEAN Permitting Process, NSR Permit Round Table, New Clean Air Act Rule for Boilers & Incinerators and Summary of Revised EPA 1-Hour NO2 Modeling Guidance
Presentations and other meeting materials: Permit Assessment Report Update, EMIT Overview for Emissions Reporting, DEP Air Bureau's Proposed 2011 Regulatory Agenda and Greenhouse Gas Amendment Update
Presentations and other meeting materials: Overview of OTC Fall Meeting, General Permit to Limit Potential to Emit (GPLPE), New Solvent Cleaning Requirements and Greenhouse Gas Permitting
Presentations and other meeting materials: Permit Program Review Update, Environmental Public Health Tracking, Electric Vehicles Infrastructure, Clean Energy Fund, 2010 Ozone Season and OTC Model Rule Update
Presentations and other meeting materials: EPA's New Transport Rule vs. CAIR, Biomass Sustainable Study and GHG Reduction Strategies
Presentations and other meeting materials: Air Bureau Permit Program August Update, CTDEP MASC Calculator, Ozone Transport Update in the Northeast, GHGs Tailoring Rule Implementation for CT, GHG Reduction Strategies for CT and Vehicle GHG - LEV II Update
Presentations and other meeting materials: Adjudications Permit Process, Air Bureau Permit Program Review Update, New NAAQS Permitting, CT Air Program Regulatory Priorities 2010-2011, EPA Rules Update, CT Unit-level allocations in CATR, Reporting Forms and Instructions for the GPLPE and Regional Transportation Climate Initiative Declaration
Presentations and other meeting materials: Air Bureau Permit Program June Update, Northeast Ozone Modeling & Transport, Staff Updates and 2010 Annual Air Monitoring Network Plan
Presentations and other meeting materials: Air Bureau Permit Program Review, NESCAUM Recommendations on Use of Interim SIL and EPA’s Proposed Rules for Boilers and Incinerators
Presentations and other meeting materials: EPA Rule Updates
Presentations and other meeting materials: UTC Energy and GHG Management Program, GWSA Update and Modeling of GHG Reduction Strategies
Presentations and other meeting materials: Connecticut DEP/OTC Process
Presentations and other meeting materials: Reassessment of Auto Body Industry & Air Quality Implications, Title IV and Title V Integration Project and GWSA Implementation Update
Content Last Updated on August 8, 2024