Forecasted Ozone Exceedance Days

Year 2024

The table below is the current list of forecasted days to have ozone Air Quality Index (AQI) levels of Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups (USG), or worse, anywhere in Connecticut.

 Month Day  Day of the Week  PDF 
**May  22
Wednesday  -
 **June Tuesday  -
 **June 14   Friday  -
June  18  Tuesday  June 18, 2024
June   19 Wednesday June 19, 2024
June 20 Thursday June 20, 2024
June 21 Friday June 21, 2024
June 22 Saturday June 22, 2024
June 26  Wednesday June 26, 2024
 July Sunday  July 7, 2024 
 July 8  Monday July 8, 2024 
 July 9 Tuesday July 9, 2024
 July 15  Monday  July 15, 2024
 July 16 Tuesday  July 16, 2024 
 July  17 Wednesday July 17, 2024

*On a day marked with an *, the initial prediction of ozone conditions of "Moderate to Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups", or greater was revised to either "Good", or "Good to Moderate" or "Moderate" by 3 P.M. Therefore, on these days the regulated community is allowed to operate emergency engines, or other regulated equipment, after 3 P.M. on that given day. Any forecast that was "upgraded" (marked with an **) that day will not affect the forecast for the regulated community.

2023 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2022 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2021 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2020 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2019 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2018 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2017 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2016 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2015 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2014 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2013 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2012 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2011 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2010 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2009 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

2008 Forecasted Unhealthy Ozone Days

Related Links

Ozone Season Information for the Regulated Community

Daily Air Quality Index Forecast


Content Last Updated July 17, 2024