Office of Adjudications

Informational Public Hearing

The Office of Adjudications conducts Informational Public Hearings. These hearings are not contested cases and are held instead of an adjudication when requested by a petitioner or at the request of an Applicant prior to any request for hearing. During an informational hearing, the Applicant and DEEP present information on a permit application and interested persons have an opportunity to make public comments. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Applicant produces a Comment Response Document that is available to the public and the Hearing Officer issues a Hearing Officer Report. As these are not contested cases, no proposed or final decisions are issued.

Hearing Officer Reports

Hearing Officer Reports are not final decisions of the Office of Adjudications. The reports summarize an Informational Public Hearing that was held on an application. For additional information on the matters listed below, the public is encouraged to contact the Applicant or DEEP staff identified in the Report.

 Case Name
Date of Hearing Officer Report 
(Subject Key
 Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC; Chaplin 02/14/2025   AIR
General Permit-Point Source Discharges to Waters of the State from Application of Pesticides 10/23/2024  GP
Algonquin Gas Transmission, LLC
09/06/2024   AIR
Buckeye PT Terminals, LP   12/12/2023   AIR
CT Airport Authority Hartford Brainard Airport  12/30/2022
CT DOT East/New Haven (Bridge #02166, Rte. 337, Morris Creek)    11/28/2022  IWW