Press Releases

Gov. Malloy Directs Winter Storm Release of State Workforce
Evening Commute to be Mitigated by Staggered Release
(HARTFORD, CT) - Governor Dannel P. Malloy directed Executive Branch agency heads to release their employees early in stages this afternoon in order to better manage the evening commute given the inclement conditions. Dismissals were to begin at 3:00 p.m. and continue in fifteen minute intervals. Agency heads were contacted directly with instructions on when to release their employees. Releases are also being staggered within facilities so as to mitigate traffic issues in parking areas. These releases are being coordinated with other large employers in the Hartford region.
"Given the impending snow and the severe cold, I've asked all executive agencies to enact their early dismissal plans," Governor Malloy said. "Private sector companies may want to consider similar plans, so that we are not bogged down during the usual evening rush, right when the snow is forecasted to pick up."
Department of Administrative Services Commissioner Donald DeFronzo said, "The Governor's directive underscores the need to keep highway traffic to a minimum later this evening as the storm intensifies in order to better provide for public safety."
For information concerning the Friday, January 3 work day, state employees are advised to monitor local media as well as the website of the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection , where they can find the page with the Notification of Early Release/Late Opening for State Offices.
The dismissal schedule is as follows:
3:00 p.m. - DECD, DOE, DSS, MHA, CHRO, OPM, DOC, Housing
3:15 p.m. - DCF, Agriculture, DRS, DCP, DEEP, DOL, Protection/Advocacy, Aging
3:30 p.m. - All others