Press Releases

Thursday: Malloy Administration Presents Bioscience Connecticut Proposal at Informational Legislative Hearing
(HARTFORD, CT) - On Thursday morning, members of the Malloy Administration and the University of Connecticut will present the Governor's Bioscience Connecticut proposal at a joint informational hearing of the General Assembly's Higher Education, Finance, Appropriations, Commerce, and Public Health Committees. Presentations will be given by Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman, Department of Economic Development Commissioner Catherine Smith, Department of Labor Commissioner Glenn Marshall, UConn President Phillip E. Austin, UConn President-Designate Susan Herbst, and UConn Health Center Vice President for Affairs and Medical School Dean Dr. Cato T. Laurencin.
The initiative, proposed by Governor Dannel P. Malloy last week, will help put people to work now and sustain economic growth and innovation going forward by making Connecticut a leader in the bioscience industry. The project will provide 3,000 construction jobs annually from 2012 through 2018 and will generate 16,400 high-quality, permanent jobs by 2037.
WHO : Lt. Gov Wyman, DECD Commissioner Smith, DOL Commissioner Marshall, UConn President Austin, UConn President-Designate Herbst, Dr. Laurencin
WHAT : Legislative Joint Informational Hearing on Bioscience Connecticut Initiative
WHEN : Thursday, May 26, 2011; 9:30-11:30 a.m.
WHERE : Room 2C, Legislative Office Building; Hartford