State Historic Preservation Review Board


The State Historic Preservation Review Board is established by Section 10-321q of the General Statutes in accordance with the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (54 U.S.C. 3000101 et seq.; formerly 16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.) and implemented through 36 CFR S. 61.4 (f). The Board consists of up to ten (10) members representing a variety of historic preservation-related professional disciplines each of whose qualifications meet professional standards established pursuant to federal law. Review Board members are appointed by the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). Their primary function is to review nominations to the National Register of Historic Places and recommend whether or not the property meets the criteria for National Register listing. The State Historic Preservation Board relies on support provided by SHPO staff.

State Historic Preservation Board Members

  • Phil Barlow
  • Cecelia Bucki
  • Stephanie Dyer-Carroll
  • Kenneth L. Feder
  • John Herzan, Vice-Chair
  • Mark McMillan
  • Priyanka Panjwani
  • Cece Saunders
  • Christopher Wigren, Chair