
- the Connecticut Historical Commission’s 1966-1967 survey of historic properties;
- all National Register nominations approved by the Review Board and all properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places or determined eligible for listing;
- all properties approved for Local Historic Districts and Local Historic Property designation by the Historic Preservation Council (even if they are not subsequently approved by the local municipality);
- all of the resources included in the 1987 survey of state-owned buildings completed for the Commission; and
- all individual nominations of properties and districts approved by the Historic Preservation Council at their regularly scheduled meetings.
Eligible properties reflect an integrity of location, design, setting, materials and workmanship. They may also:- be associated with events that have made a significant contribution to our history and the lives of persons significant in our past; or
- embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction; or
- represent the work of a master, possess high artistic values, or represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or
- have yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history.
Selection Process
Properties are listed on the State Register by the State Historic Preservation Office’s (SHPO) Historic Preservation Council following review and recommendation by the SHPO staff.How to Apply
1. Request an evaluation for eligibility. 2. Prepare the nomination. Once SHPO has recommended that your property is eligible for State Register listing, staff will provide you with the nomination form and guidance for completing it. A State Register nomination form is a scholarly document that includes a current physical description of the property, focused historical narrative with references, bibliography, digital photographs, and maps. You can get help in completing the form from locally knowledgeable people or a professionally qualified consultant if you choose. Please do not complete a State Register nomination without contacting the State Register coordinator.
3. Get a staff review from SHPO.
Once SHPO receives your nomination, SHPO staff will notify you if we need additional information. They may schedule a site visit if one hasn’t already been done. In the case of a district, the staff visit helps delineate the approximate boundaries of the area under consideration. SHPO staff evaluates the background information on the proposed property or district within 90 days of receipt of the completed historical and visual documentation.
Staff compiles revisions; several rounds of additional information or edits may be requested. SHPO must receive your final submission for the Historic Preservation Council (HPC) at least three weeks prior to the meeting at which your nomination will be heard.
4. Review your notification.
Once the State Historic Preservation Officer signs the State Register nomination – and at least five business days before the HPC Meeting – we will send you a certified letter, return receipt requested. The letter will inform you that the nomination is on the HPC’s agenda with the date, time and location of the meeting. Please note that we will give priority to nominated properties under imminent threat of demolition or adverse alteration.
If a district is approved for State Register study, the chief executive officer of the municipality is notified by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the approximate area approved for State Register study. A copy of the notification letter is sent to you, the applicant. If a property is approved for State Register study, we notify you by certified mail, return receipt requested; a copy of the letter is sent to the municipality’s chief executive officer.
If a district or property is not approved for State Register study, the State Historic Preservation Officer will notify you.
5. Attend the HPC meeting.
The HPC generally meets the first Wednesday of every month at 9:30 a.m. at the SHPO office, One Constitution Plaza, Second Floor in Hartford. We encourage all interested parties to attend. They may submit information, including letters of support or objection. (Please submit these letters prior to the meeting, but they will also be accepted during the meeting.)
A majority of the HPC must vote to approve the district or property nomination to the State Register.
6. Receive notification of the listing.
If a property is approved, we’ll send you a certified letter, return receipt requested. In the case of a single property, we notify the owner. In the case of a district, we notify the municipality’s Chief Elected Official.
If a property is not approved for study, we’ll send you a letter, return receipt requested.
7. If your nomination is approved, order a plaque.